From the Principal

Statement of Values
As we approach the end of the year, it is not uncommon for students to become disregulated due to a number of changes occuring such as programs, classes, weather, and for some changes in school. We also know this is a busy time for families with many late night events, changes in routine and structures and other social events and activities.
At recent assemblies, we have reminded students of our behavioural expectations in the lead up to the end of the school year. Our aim is to create a happy and positive time for students as they complete the school year; especially for our Year 6 students as they finish their primary school education.
We understand that at times excitement and group pressure can lead to behaviour that can be dangerous and hurtful to others and that does not reflect our school values of Respect, Honesty, Caring, Cooperation and Personal Best.
Recently, we have noticed an increase in inappropriate online behaviours and conversations that then transfer into the classroom and school yard. Additionally, we have seen an increase in defiance, disruption and language that is not appropriate for school; let alone our wider world.
These behaviours take considerable staff time and effort to investigate and resolve at what is an already busy time of year for us all.
Our school spends a considerable amout of time each week through our wellbeing lessons and activities in Respectful Relationship lessons reinforcing appropraite behaviours and providing students with strategies to respond appropraitely if issues occur.
Our Statement of Values outlines our expectations in relation to the behaviour of all members of our community. Can I please ask for your support in reinforcing at home our expectations around student behaviour.
If your child informs you of a matter of concern relating to another student, please contact the school and ask to speak to Julie, Linda or myself. Parents or other family members are not permitted to approach other students.
We achieve the greatest success when we work in partnership with families and would appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations at home.
School Review
Every four years, schools are required to undertake a review to inform the direction of the next School Strategic Plan (SSP). The SSP is a legislative requirement for all schools and outlines the goals and targets for our school over the next four years.
Our school is scheduled to have it's next school review in Term 2, 2024.
The first component of the review is the collation of the Pre-Review Self Evaluation (PRSE) where schools review their data and other evidence to form a collective view of current practice and areas for improvement. Linda, Julie, and I have already commenced this work with staff by reviewing our progress against a set of criteria, by holding consultations with families through our coffee and chat sessions and by holding our student leadership summits each term.
This is followed by a review conducted by a panel, utilising the expertise of our Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), challenge partners and is convened by an independent school reviewer. Natalie Toohey has been appointed by the Department of Education as our independent school reviewer. Natalie has recently completed school reviews at other neighbouring schools. Prior to being a school reviewer, she was a primary school principal in the Ballarat region.
Linda and I have invited Timothy Cottrell and Keren Barro to act as our challenge partners for the review panel.
Tim is the Principal at Lalor North Secondary College. Prior to this, he was the Assistant Principal at Lalor Secondary College. Tim and the team at Lalor North SC have been working closely with our school this year to create opportunities for our students through their music scholarships and their Big Night Out performance events. Tim shares our belief of schools being places that need to support student wellbeing in order for them to thrive academically.
Keren is the Principal of Ashley Park Primary School (in Doreen). Keren has a strong interest and expertise in Numeracy and was a challenge partner at our previous school review in 2019; this was prior to our new school buildings and our shift to our co-teaching approach. Ashley Park PS also utilises a collaborative teaching approach; with many of our staff visiting the school to observe their lesson planning, delivery and assessment practices.
The school reviewer will also undertake an assessment of the school’s compliance with the Minimum Standards for Curriculum and Student Learning whilst the Department of Education will reviews the school’s compliance (eg: policy documents, visual displays, practices etc...) against the Minimum Standards for School Registration.
Families will have an opportunity in 2024 to particpate in the school review process through meetings with members of the review panel.
Prep Excursion to Bundoora Farm
On Thursday 16 November, our Prep students went on an excursion to Bundoora Farm.
I heard many reports following the event of just how much students enjoyed the day (despite the wet weather) and how exciting it was to see all of the different animals.
Thanks to Charlene, Steph C, Pauline, Steph R, Kim and Julie for attending this excursion and creating these opportunties for our students.
I have included some photos of their farm adventures in the later pages of this newsletter.
Student Voice Award Presentation
Last Thursday, Linda, Julie and I attended the Victorian Student Representative Council's annual Student Voice Awards at the Victorian Acadmy for Teaching and Leadership in North Melbourne. Our school was short listed for the 'Student Voice School of the Year' category.
Ivy, Noor and Jennifer from our Junior School Council wrote our application and several other students contributed or feature in our video submission.
Whilst we did not win the overall award, to be considered amogst other large secondary schools is a pleasing accomplishment.
I would like to thank Julie and Linda for supporting our students to attend and to Ivy, Louis and their respective families who independently made arrangements to purchase tickets and travel in to the city to join us for the event.
I hope to be able to share our video with you through our school website shortly.
Active Kids Voucher Program
The Victorian Government is supporting families to encourage more children to participate in sport. Vouchers of up to $200 are available to cover the cost of fees, memberships and equipment.
For more details, check the Office News page in this edition of Jumbunna.
Staffing Updates
Shona McCulloch & Anthony McCulloch are taking a period of Long Service Leave for the remainder of the school year. During this time, Shona will be replaced by Jessica D'Angelis. Jess is well known to our students, having undertaken casual relief work throughout this year.
Anthony’s maintenance work will be carried out by additional tradespeople and service providers.
Luis Rios Gonzalez will also be taking Long Service Leave from Monday 11 November to travel overseas. Prudence Galofaro and Heather Campbell will both be replacing Luis during this period of leave.
Dean Sharples will also be taking leave for the remainder of the year and will be replaced by a variety of localand agency replacement staff.
Acting Principal