Junior School News

From the Head of Junior School

Welcome back to Term 2! I hope that everyone enjoyed their Easter break – it is a wonderful time of the year in Bendigo thanks to the Easter festivities and generally great weather. We will be trying to make the most of the Autumn weather window with several key events happening early this term. Last week, we had the Friends of Junior School and GPF Family Movie Night. This was a wonderful evening with over 520 people attending. Thank you to Mrs Potter and the many parents who planned and executed this fun family event.


Next week we will celebrate the foundation of the school with our annual Foundation Day service at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. This is always a wonderful service and we are very appreciative of the Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst for allowing us to host it in such a magnificent venue. A reminder that students must be in full winter uniform for the service. For more details, see the Foundation Day article published in this issue. 


Anzac Day

On Wednesday we commemorated Anzac Day in the Junior School with an assembly run by the Student Representative Council. It was a solemn and respectful service, and our students spoke and sang beautifully. We were very fortunate to have Mrs Elizabeth Mackenzie join us as a guest. Mrs Mackenzie served in the army in the Second World War and is the great-grandmother of Chloe and Isabella. Chloe gave a speech at assembly recognising the service of her great-grandmother and great-grandfather, Colonel Gilbert Mackenzie. I share Chloe’s moving tribute below.


My Great Grandparents and Anzac Day by Chloe Jesser

Anzac Day is to be commemorated and I would like to share with you some thoughts about my Granny Beth and her deceased husband Colonel Gilbert Mackenzie and their role in World War 2. 


My Granny is staying with us and she is 99, turning 100 in December this year. Her name is Elizabeth Mackenzie. I am very proud to say Granny Beth is sitting here with the Official Party today. My granny was born on 7 December 1924 in Quarry Hill, Bendigo, and during the Second World War she was Elizabeth Drummond. 


Granny joined the army when she was 18 and her mother was very upset at granny for leaving home. 


After attending training camp where she was called a 'rookie', Granny was called up to an interview to determine where she would be stationed. As a result, Granny was sent to a huge mansion at 260 Demaine Road, South Yarra, called 'Airlie' (today a Police Training Centre). This was the headquarters of Special Operations Australia (SOA) and Z Special Unit. Z Special Unit was a unit that was so secretive no-one knew about it. Upon arrival at Airlie, Granny was interviewed and told she was to never repeat or speak about her work or anything she saw or heard at work. She was bound by the 'Secrets Act' when she became a member of Z Special Unit. It has only been in the last 20 years that the secrets and missions of Z Special Unit have been released to the public. Granny's work in the unit was as a stenographer and a secretary. She would receive the sealed secret orders and give them to the different soldiers in the unit. 


At Z Special Unit, Granny met my Great-Grandfather, who was an operative. He wore a red beret and was always in meetings upstairs behind closed heavy doors. My Great-Grandfather was called a commando. That means he went into war areas behind the enemy lines to carry out operations and raids in small teams. In my Great-Grandfather's case, he would parachute into enemy territory or use a folboat (small canoe) to place limpets (mines) on enemy ships and blow them up. In addition to all his missions, my Great-Grandpa taught other operatives how to parachute out of the back of planes.


Thank you for listening. 

Lest we forget.


Mr Donald Thompson

Head of Junior School


Anzac Day

On the bright and beautiful morning of Wednesday 24 April, the Student Representative Council hosted the Junior School Anzac Day Service under the Peppercorn Tree.


Each member of the SRC took it in turns to speak about Anzac Day and what it means. Students read poems, recited readings and told stories about the significance of Anzac Day. The Junior School Choir sang a beautiful rendition of 'Sanctus' as part of the service. A highlight was a heartfelt speech from Chloe Jesser about her great-grandmother's involvement in the Second World War. 


During the Junior School Service, the ode was read, 'Last Post' played and a wreath placed under the flagpoles.


Well done to all members of the SRC for their preparation for this service and their dignified performance on the day. Thank you to Mrs Dusseljee, Mrs Moon and Mrs Lenard for the musical support and the IT Department and Maintenance Team for setting up this event.


Mr Jamie Turner 

Teacher of 6V


Today the SRC held the Junior School Anzac Day Ceremony. We had a special guest who had been in the Z Special Unit, which was a secretive organisation in World War II. Her name is Elizabeth MacKenzie, and she is 99 years old. She is Chloe and Isabella Jesser’s great-grandmother, and it was amazing to hear Chloe speak about her. We all did a reading about Anzac Day, and some people read out beautiful poems. Henry Martin from Year 9 played the Last Post on the bugle, which was incredible. Some people wore relatives' medals, hats and badges to commemorate soldiers and loved ones who were in the war.  We held the Minute of Silence, and the choir sang some hymns. It was an outstanding service and everyone was so respectful.


Archer Hubbard and Siofra O’Malley

Year 5D SRC


Sports News

School Sport Victoria State Swimming Championships

On Friday 19 April, 15 Girton Grammar School Junior School students travelled to Melbourne to compete in the annual School Sport Victoria State Swimming Championships. The event was held at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC). To gain entry into this state-level competition, competitors must have achieved first place at the Regional Swimming Championships held in Swan Hill in March.  


Our Junior School students were very excited to represent their school at such a high level and against many other talented swimmers from across the state. Each student competed in their events with fierce determination and displayed exemplary sportsmanship. When our students were not in the water competing, they were in the stands cheering on our Senior School representatives. 


Many of our swimmers achieved personal best times during their respective events. Two notable highlights of the championships were Stella McIntosh winning the 11-Year-Old Girls 50-meter Butterfly and our 11-Year-Old Girls 50-metre Freestyle Relay Team, who placed third in their event. This is a fantastic achievement, and the girls should be very proud of their efforts.


We congratulate all the students who swam at the School Sport Victoria State Swimming Championships. We especially applaud them for the support and comradery displayed on the day. We also thank the wonderful parents, grandparents and carers who travelled with the students and supported us throughout the day.



State Swimming Qualifiers

Stella McIntosh, Lauren Davenport, Owen Barnes, James Davenport, Sophie Lee, Billy Knight, Maya Reid, Rrig Sharma, Zac Brown, Will Jackson Sloane, Rae Anwyl, Aria Hendrix, Joshua Ashby, Tyler Brown and Sean Morse


School Sports Victoria Tennis

Late last term, Gracie Seipolt and Aayush Nair progressed through to the Regional Finals for the School Sports Victoria Tennis Championships. They made it through to the semi-finals, both finishing with bronze medals. 


Year 3 Excursion to Central Deborah Goldmine


Lake Day

On Thursday 28 March, the Junior School celebrated the end of term with our annual Lake Day event. It was a perfect day and the whole of Junior School went to Lake Neangar at different times throughout the day and did as many laps as possible around the lake. Some students did over 10 laps! There were some fun activities like mini-hurdles and hula hoops along the way. It was a great day and we can’t wait to do it again next year. 

A big thank you to Mrs Gibson for organising this event. 


Izzah Hadi (6 Frew)


French Excursion

On Thursday 18 April, 6M and 6V students visited the Bendigo Art Gallery to view Paris: Impressions of Life 1880-1925. Students learned about ‘La Belle Epoque’ in France and how the art of this time conveyed the social change, urban development and artistic innovation that shaped modern Paris. The students thoroughly enjoyed the artisan street signs, historic couture, decorative arts, paintings and prints.


Mrs Georgiana Rice

Junior School French Teacher


On Thursday 18 April, the Year 6 classes went on an excursion to the Bendigo Art Gallery to see the Paris exhibition. We left as soon as school started and walked to the art gallery. We saw paintings of Paris and paintings that were painted in Paris. There were many maps, and there was lots of information on the walls. My friend and I agreed that all the dresses were very fancy and long. We also said that they must have been annoying to wear. The amazing tour guide had lots of information and told us everything we needed to know. Some of the paintings were so small. Alice McIntosh says it was like she was in Paris. There were some models that were life-size. We ended our visit by taking a few photos before walking back to school for recess. The Paris exhibition was great, and we all had a great time. We can recommend the Paris exhibition to anyone.


Kendryek Ryan (6 Jenkin), Jemima Morley (6 Jenkin) and Mikaela Hall (6 Jones)


Camps Australia

Hi families, friends, teachers and community, 


Our first week was a hoot!


Children had fun exploring a range of Harry Potter-themed activities, including playing board games, using the telescope and making potions. Some really liked looking through both sides of the binoculars to examine toy animals, cushions, planets and more.


While at OSHC we engage in activities such as craft, science, writing, board games and more. These extend on children's social and communication skills, creativity, imagination and much more.


Camp Australia always welcomes feedback and input from families, staff and the community. If you have anything you wish to share with us please emailgirton@oshccampaustralia.com or our Customer Care on osch@campaustralia.com.au 



Miss Jillie


Kelly Sports