From the Principal

 13 June, 2024


Thursday, June 20, 7 pm 

Library and Wellbeing Space

Each year, the Parents' Association arranges for a guest speaker to discuss parenting topics with parents. This year, they have invited Emma-Rose, a practising psychologist, to speak on the important issue of peer pressure and how to help our children stand up for themselves.


Please ensure you get your free ticket to attend this parents' information night.




Over the past year, we have discussed during School Council meetings our current Out of School Hours Care service provider OSHClub. 


We are currently going through the process of looking at other OSHC providers and what they offer. We would like to get some additional feedback from families about the current OSHC service. If you have a few minutes please email me with your thoughts. We will discuss this feedback at the next School Council meeting on Tuesday night.


Weeks 9-11

Mrs Schaper, our Canteen Manager, will be on leave during weeks 9 to 11. Parent volunteers have kindly offered to help run the Canteen in her absence. To assist our volunteers, there will be some changes to the menu and operation of the Canteen:

  • Wednesdays: Only sushi rolls will be available for purchase.
  • Thursday and Friday: Normal menu
  • No over-the-counter sales at lunchtime.
  • Week 11: The Canteen will be closed.

Please be understanding and thank the parent volunteers for their assistance during this period.


Congratulations to Mrs Allegretto for her outstanding performance in the National Bocce Tournament in Perth! She secured 3rd place in the singles matches and 2nd place in the doubles matches. Additionally, she was honoured as a joint Best and Fairest winner. Well done!


Congratulations to those students who competed in the Chess Tournament at Lilydale Primary School today.  POPS is now in Second Place. Well done team!


Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity



  • Go to the From the Classroom Page to read about Y5/6 learning about how Australia became a Nation.
  • Foundation Enrolment applications are now open and will close by Friday, July 26,2024.

Key Dates:

Tuesday June 20 - PA Parent Information Evening, 7:00 pm