From the Classroom

Mandarin * Performing Arts * Physical Education * Science * Visual Art

Year 5 and 6 History - Australia as a Nation 

This semester Year 5 and 6 students have been learning about how Australia became a nation. This includes looking at why the colonies chose to come together, the events that led to Federation, such as the Gold Rush and the systems of government that were chosen for our new nation. 


Levels of Government Triarama 

Students explored the three levels of government: Local, State and Federal. They looked at the roles and responsibilities of each level and constructed a Triarama to reflect each level. 


Excursion to Parliament of Victoria and the Old Treasury Building 

On Wednesday 12th of June and Thursday 13th of June the Year 5 and  6 students visited the Parliament of Victoria and the Old Treasury Building. Here are some photos and some things we learnt or found interesting: 


"The speaker can ask you to leave the room if you are not following the rules" - Juliette D


"Ministers have 4 minutes to make it to the room to vote on the new law and if you don't make it you get locked out" - Summer C 


"I enjoyed seeing the maps of Melbourne and how much they have changed over time" - Lacey E 


"The architect who designed the Old Treasure Building was called J J Clarke and he designed a free hand map of Liverpool when he was 13 years old" - Charlie A 


"The roof of Parliament house was covered in lots of gold which was discovered from the gold rush" - Imaan N  and Sebastion


"The monarch can't sit in the green room, but they can sit in the red room" - Amelia S 


"Nicole Werner is the youngest female in the Legislative Assembly and the first female to represent Warrandyte" - Sienna P 


"It was very fascinating learning about the Eureka Stockade and how the gold was stored in the vaults" - Xavier Mu


"I liked seeing how Melbourne changed on the maps" Ben X 


"I learnt how Parliament works such as the different seats for the different politicians and what the state looks after" Xander M 


"It was fun to learn about how they pass a bill" - Manya T 


"Melbourne started becoming wealthier in 1851 because of the gold rush" - Xavier Ma


"Melbourne was the first capital of Australia" - Josh N 


"I learnt that the state of Victoria was named after Queen Victoria" - Emme T


"The first Parliament sitting was in Melbourne" - Makalo B 


"They made the Eureka flag from women's dresses" - Mia T 


"Charles LaTrobe bought the land where the MCG is now and it was constructed in the 1850s" - Bailey T 


"Where the MCG is located used to be a meeting place for the local Indigenous people" - Sam R 


"During the Depression, kitchens and bathrooms were in the same room and we saw a model of house where 8 people lived: one room to sleep, one room to eat and a room with a bathroom and kitchen"  - Cooper O