Welcome to week 10

Dear parents and carers,
The winter weather has certainly settled in across Melbourne. It has been great to see students arriving wearing warmer clothing including coats and hats for recess and lunchtimes.
Like always we thank students and families for ensuring school uniform is worn. There are several unnamed school jackets that have been left behind in the yard and learning spaces, please contact homeroom teachers if you believe they belong to your child.
This week it has been wonderful to see so many families meeting with teachers for SSG meetings. It is a valuable opportunity to share learning progress throughout the semester and celebrate students’ success. It also provides an opportunity to discuss areas to work on next semester. Teachers are finalising comments and progress ratings on Mid-Year reports. Reports will be mailed home at the end of the term.
As part of the Careers education program, students in Pathways visited Frankston Chisholm for a guided tour of the campus this week. They explored the campus, asked questions related to educational pathways and potential future study options.
End of term:
A friendly reminder that we will finish at 2pm next Friday 28th of June for the end of Term two.