Wow, we are nearly at the end of week two and so much has happened. This week like most there has been a lot happening. As you will be aware the swimming program for juniors is going well. There is excitement every morning when the students are getting off the bus to start the day. I have spoken with a number of students and they are watching the clock for their session. The staff have said how engaged the students are and their swimming skills have developed. This program wraps up at the end of this week. The senior swimming program is coming soon. Whilst it has been a big undertaking, the results make it all worth while.
It is that time of year and we are all focused on preparing for the school concert. Rehearsals are going well and the night is nearly all organised. The concert is shaping up to be one of our best yet. It is on Thursday 31st October, if you have not got your tickets yet, there is a link in this newsletter.
Some other programs happening in the school include a visit from the police for the "Think you know" program on the topic of safe behaviours on social media, the "I can" program organised by the welfare team for select students in seniors and pathways.
On a different topic, the building and play ground development is really taking shape. The structure of the play ground is now clear and the space and potential activities will lead to a high level of engagement. The internal framing to the building is nearly complete which gives a real feel for the space. All of us, students and staff are looking forward to its opening.
Finally, with the good weather we have had this week it is a timely reminder to be sun smart. I know there is an article latter in the newsletter. Could you please encourage hats and sun screen and a drink bottle.
Shaun Bacon
Assistant Principal