
OT Recipes for The Gooey Stuff:
Not only is making and playing with these recipes fun, but they also provide the following benefits...
- development of fine motor skills
- stimulates sense of touch and smell
- development of finger/hand strength
- development of eye-hand coordination skills
- an overall wonderful and necessary sensory experience!!
You will need:
2 3/4 Cups of warm water
2 cups PVA Glue
Liquid Water Colour (do not use food colouring)
2 tsp. Borax
Glitter (optional)
In a small container, combine:1-1/3 cup very warm water, 2 tsp Borax. Stir until Borax is completely dissolved. Set aside. In a large container, combine: 1-1/2 cup very warm water, 2 cups White Glue, Liquid Water Color and Glitter (optional) Mix thoroughly. Pour the contents of the small container into the large container. Mix well using your hands. Lift and turn the mixture until it is fully combined.
If flubber sticks on hair, clothes or carpet, use white vinegar to clean it. The vinegar completely dissolves the flubber.This recipe yields enough for 6 children.If stored in an airtight container, the flubber will last for up to two weeks.
You will need:
1-Tsp. Borax
¾ -Cup Water (Tap water is fine)
¼-Cup White Glue (available in Craft/Department/Discount Stores)
¼-Cup Water (Tap water is fine)
1-Zip Lock Bag (1 qt. Bag is best)
Food Colouring (Optional- but kids like colours)
Styrofoam Beads (about 2 - bathroom 3 oz. cups full for
Dissolve 1-Tsp. Borax completely in ½-cup (4 oz.) water.
In a separate bowl mix ¼-cup (2 oz.) white glue and ¼-cup (2 oz.) water. (1/2 cup each=1 cup of slime). Add a couple of drops of food coloring of your choice to this solution. Pour the glue solution into a zip lock bag. Then add 1-Tbsp. of the Borax/water solution to the glue solution .At this point you will think that this stuff will never come out of this bag. Add Styrofoam Beads to the mixture. These beads can usually be found at any craft store.Seal bag and knead by hand until thoroughly mixed. Let stand about 15 minutes, and then knead by hand again. Take out of bag when the gel separates easily from the inside bag walls. It will have the consistency of dough.
Silly Putty
You will need:¼ cup liquid starch
1/3 cup PVA glue
Instructions:Mix!! The more it is kneaded, rolled and pulled, the more elastic it becomes.
You will need:1 cup school white glue
1 cup water
few drops of food colouring
1 1/3 cup warm water
4 ½ tsp. Borax
Instructions:Mix glue, water and colouring well. In another container, mix warm water and borax. Add this mixture to the first mixture but do not stir. Just "roll it" over with your hands and take it out of the liquid. It will stick to paper.
You will need:1 cup all purpose glue
¾ cup water
1 T. paint (tempera or acrylic)
¾ cup water
½ tsp. Borax
InstructionsMix glue, ¾ cup water and paint together with a wire whisk. Separately mix ¾ cup water and borax. Slowly pour borax mixture into glue mixture; stir. Let stand a few minutes, then knead. Pour off any remaining liquid. Store in a plastic bag. It stretches and bounces like Silly Putty.
You will need:
1/2 tsp. Borax detergent
1/2 cup water
1/4 cornstarch
4oz. white craft glue
2 tsp. food colouring
Combine Borax and water in a bowl until the Borax has dissolved. Set the mixture aside. Sift cornstarch into a different mixing bowl. Add glue and mix well. Add Borax solution and stir constantly for two minutes, even after Goop has formed. Knead with fingers until no longer sticky.
You Will Need:
2-3 cups of water
1 box corn starch
Food colouring or water colour
Put some water and food colouring in a large bowl. Begin adding the corn starch gradually and mixing. Eventually the mixture will get thicker; keep adding and stirring. You will know when you have Oobleck!
You will need:
1 Part Cornstarch1 Part Water
Mix!! colour with food colour or Tempera Paint
You will need:
1 box Ivory Soapflakes1 Gallon WaterFood Colouring
What to do:
Beat with mixer .Makes 5 gallon bucket
You will need:
2 cups salt1 cup corn starchfew drops of food colouring if desired
Instructions:Cook salt and ½ cup water for 5 minutes. Remove form heat and add cornstarch and ½ cup water. Return to heat, stirring until mixture thickens. Let cool and store in airtight plastic bags.