News from Year Four and Five

Our Fantastic Assembly Presentations
Two weeks ago our class hosted the assembly and shared some of the events of term 3 with the whole school. Several students made their own PowerPoints which were both informative, creative, and professional. Well done to Sam, Toby and Lexi who wrote a PowerPoint about our hands-on Maths; to Sophie, and Danica who made a PowerPoint on the Mount Lilydale PLay excursion and Lexi, Matthew and Olivia who made a presentation on the grade 5 and 6 ski trip, Lastly but not least; to Jack and Hudson who made their PowerPoint on the grade 5/ 6 Hooptime and the 3/4 Hooptime. I am so proud of the effort and willingness of all these students who volunteered to present and make these PowerPoint and do this time.
In addition to this, these students wrote and presented their creative stories Liam, Summer, Isabella, Danica, Harper, Grady, Paddy and Cameron. There were others who who were keen to contribute to the assembly but were unable to on the day as the grade 6's had those jobs. James ran the slideshow; Eli, Maggie and Mahli were really keen to read and hand out awards and the others (Ryan, Fynn and Matthew) even though they didn't speak did contribute to the ideas and planning of the assembly. I can honestly say that all the students have been monumental in planning and presenting in each of our three assemblies and I have seen a huge improvement in their confidence and skills in presenting information to a wider audience. Congratulations grade 4 and 5. You are all Legends!
3/ 4 Tabloid Sports
What a fantatsic day we had last Friday at the grade 3/ 4 tabloid sports at Upper Yarra Secondary College. The children all were engaged and worked hard to play 9 different games as a team. Even though it was a tiring day everyone was on their best behavior and even if they were exhausted they had a go at everything. Our St Joseph's teams came home with a few ribbons for second and third for some of the competitive sports such as tunnel ball and corner ball. Here are some photos of the day to show you all.
Class Rugby
During the last three weeks, our class has been involved in Rugby sessions with a professional Rugby coach. These sessions are on top of our normal sports lessons The children have enjoyed these lessons and have not only gained skills in rugby but also following instructions, working as a team and have played some great mini Rugby matches along the way.
Wow! What a fabulous Father's Day breakfast and activity morning
Thank-you to all the fathers, grandfathers and significant males that came along Last Friday to the annual Father's Day breakfast and activity morning. It was a wonderful turnout and it was great to see all the kids so happy and spending time with their male role models. These mornings are such a great way to celebrate families and everything we hold dear. Our class hosted the children and their dads and grandfathers for a morning of games both serious and fun. I hope you all had a great day and enjoyed yourselves as I know all the kids did.