News from Three/Four

Being Responsible
We have been learning about how we can be responsible for school equipment recently. As part of that learning, we talked about the responsibilities of different groups of people. We discussed the things a teacher is responsible for, and then what a student is responsible for. The Three/Four students all had excellent ideas. We made a class chart as a reminder about what they are responsible for as a learner. These are some of the ideas they had about their responsibilities in the classroom:
- To listen and be respectful
- To learn
- To be safe
- To do the five 'L's (Look, Legs, Lap, Lips, Listen)
- Keep my workspace clean
- Doing 5-star work (best effort, neatest handwriting, using a ruler, asking a question if I need to, having resilience)
- Use equipment for the purpose it was designed for
- Be kind
- Know myself as a learner
- Think about what I'm doing before I do it
We have been learning all about angles this week. Our success criteria are to be able to name them, compare and order them according to size, and locate them in the environment around us. As part of this, we looked at semaphore signals and how they use angles to make the signal for a letter. The following pictures are students working together to spell out a word in semaphore. Can you work out the word by looking at the signals?