Physical Education

3/4 Tabloid Day

A great was had by all the 3/4's who attended the Upper Yarra Sports Association tabloid day at Upper Yarra SC.  The students rotated through ten activities that encouraged them to work as a team to solve physical problems.  There were also the three challenge games of tunnelball, captainball and corner spry.  Students were put in teams of eight. All up there were about 40 teams. 

Of the four teams we had from St Joseph's, we got 2nd in all three and third as well in corner spry.  Great work by all our students.


Rugby clinics


The rugby clinics have continued for the 3/4, 4/5 and grade 6 classrooms.  They have been learning the fundamentals of the game but are learning to tag rather than tackle.

In the final week of term all students in 3/4/5 will play a 7-a-side carnival.  More details of this will be in a separate note.

1/2 Photo Trail

The Foundation and Year 1/2 class had a great time at Maroondah Dam Park on Tuesday in the wild weather.  The ground was wet and it rained lightly a few times but all had fun exploring the park and locating the different objects.  The biggest highlight seeing the water tumbling over the rock from the spillway viewing platform.


Touch Rugby Gala games

These will be held in the 3/4/5 PE time on Tuesday, September 12 between 11.50 and 1.30 and for the Year 6's - 10.20 to 11.10


Footy Day

It's on Wednesday, September 13.  Come to school in your footy colours. Footy-based games and activities from 11.50

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