Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week’s newsletter:

  • Appreciations and Acknowledgements
    • This week is Reconciliation Week
  • News
    • Divisional Cross Country was held yesterday
    • FWPS’ Vision and values Design Competition closes tomorrow
  • Coming Up
    • Interschool sport tomorrow
    • Nachos Day - orders close tomorrow
    • School Council meets on Monday
    • Junior School Council Clubs event next Tuesday
    • BSEM curriculum Day
    • Musical Futures Concerts for grades 5 and 6 
    • Camps, sports and excursions fund
    • Student learning conferences 
  • Repeated (and updated messages)

Appreciations and Acknowledgements

This week is Reconciliation Week. Sunday was National Sorry Day, which was the start of Reconciliation Week. Our Marrung Champion (Tess Maddison) ensured that our classes were provided with a range of helpful resources to highlight and learn from.


We acknowledge that we live and learn on the lands of the Bunurong people.  We pay our respects to their Elders both past and present, and value the contribution they have made to education as part of the oldest living culture in the world.


Divisional Cross Country - Our representatives did very well yesterday with over half of the students qualifying for the next level.  A report is included on the Physical Education page and an assembly report will be provided at assembly.


Vision and Values at FWPS - For the last three weeks we have been publicising our new values of Belonging, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility through our Vision and Values Icon Design Competition.  All submissions have been displayed in the Wallaby corridor.  We are thankful to the management of The Plough and The Victoria hotels for their generous support in providing four separate, $100 meal vouchers for our winning icons representing each of our four values. Remember the final date for submissions is tomorrow via the office, or your child’s teacher.

Coming Up… 

Interschool Sport - Tomorrow our grade 6 teams will be participating in a Home round playing the students of Dinjerra PS.  This is the penultimate round, with an Away game next week at St Bernadette’s, a catch up round rostered for week 9, followed by Grand Finals on week 10.


Canteen - A Nachos Day will be held next Wednesday.  Get your orders in by tomorrow!


School Council… meets on Monday evening.  Our second meeting each term is held in person and is preceded by the Communications and Policy meeting.  A report will be included in next week’s newsletter which will be published on Wednesday due to the Curriculum day next Thursday.


Junior School Council… will be celebrating Education Week at FWPS next week with a STEAM club next Tuesday in the gallery space. This will be announced during assembly tomorrow.


BSEM Curriculum Day - On next Thursday, 6th June we will be hosting our second Curriculum Day in order to provide all staff training in implementing The Berry Street Education Model.  This will be a pupil free day.  TheirCare will provide a full day program on this day - please book online or by phone - / 1300 072 410.


Musical Futures Concerts for Grades 5 and 6 Classes - This year our senior school Musical Futures performances will be held on Wednesday, 19th June throughout the day in a series of mini performances. We invite family members to come and be a part of the audience for their child's performance.  Entry and exit via school reception.  Remaining music performances, including Soundgarage will be held at the end of Term 3.


6MI - 9.50am

6KR - 10.20am

6MA - 10.40am

6MP - 11.10am

5HT - 12.20pm

5TC - 12.50pm

5RC - 1.10pm

5LW - 1.40pm


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund - A reminder is included in these pages every week.  For eligible families it provides significant financial assistance and we really do not want any family to miss out.  Applications close at the end of term.  If you have any queries, please contact our office team.


Student Learning Conferences and Student Led Conferences - Bookings for our Semester One, Student Learning Conferences are available via a pinned Compass post.  Families of P-2 students will be able to book a ten minute conference with their child’s class teacher between 1:00pm to 6:00pm on Tuesday, 25th June. Our families of year 3-6 students will be able to book a ten minute conference with their child’s teacher between 12:10pm to 6:00pm on Wednesday, 26th June. Please note, our grade 5 and 6 conferences are student led. This involves students attending and talking to their family about some of their work samples and the successes and challenges they have experienced. They will also discuss their learning goals for Semester 2. Please note, for students of Mikala in 6MI, the student-led conferences will be held on Thursday, 13th June during school hours, due to Mikala’s absence from school during the final week of term.




Repeated (and Updated) Messages…