Next week at Naranga is BRAVE WEEK. A week where students will engage in an alternate timetable to focus on learning Restorative Practices skills. 


Naranga uses a script of 'Face Up, Fess Up and Fix It' when following up incidences that have upset another person. Students will do many activities with their class in circles, practising talking in a circle and celebrating other's success which are some of the pre-skills to Restorative Practice. 


As well as the class-based activities we have a range of incursions. Bike 'n Blend will be in Friday for students to make a smoothie by peddling a bike! Precious Plastics will run a lesson for each class where students will be turning bottle lids into pens! Naranga has been collecting bottle lids for a few years now, this incursion will be a celebration of this work as well as a great chance for students to see why it's important to keep collecting them and saving them form land fill.