Brave Week is next week! 

Dear students and families,


Brave Week

Only three weeks to go in term 2!  The priority for our teachers at this time of the year is completing mid-year reports.  These reports will give an indication of how your child is progressing towards their Individual Education Plan goals.  As we head into the King's Birthday long weekend, I want to remind everyone that next week is our second annual Brave Week.  Brave Week is designed to reinforce our commitment to restorative practice.  Conflict does happen, restorative practice is our approach to restoring damaged relationships through problem-solving conversations.  These structured conversations give the people involved in the conflict a voice.  Restorative practice is also an evidence-based method of reducing bullying behaviours in schools.  Face Up, Fess Up, Fix It is the message we are promoting during Brave Week.  I encourage you to discuss this concept with your children.  Face Up, Fess Up, Fix It will be the theme for our learning next week and students will also take part in a number of special activities designed to build connections and positive relationships.  There's more information on Brave Week in this newsletter.

Student-Led Conferences

The Student Support Group meetings during the week of June 17-21 will have a student voice focus.   We are asking parents and carers to bring their children to the SSG meeting so that the children themselves can proudly participate and show some of the things they've learned this year.  


School Savings Bonus

You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing more information about how families will be able to access and use this support.

This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025.

It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025. 

Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.

Existing supports

The School Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms.

The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents' behalf throughout the year if needed.  

There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.


Kai Pukarinen
