Home Economics 

with Ms Athiniotis



Pathways Food Technology group were busy this week preparing for the Bluey Free Dress Day in week 9. They were busy rolling out biscuit dough and stamping out paw and bone shaped biscuits. Next week they will be decorating biscuits. Students worked very hard to produce a lot of biscuits for our fundraiser. 


Strawberry Cream Sponge         

Our Senior Elective group learned how to make a sponge using the microwave. This sponge had a lovely texture. Students were amazed how quickly the mixture rose inside the individual silicon cake moulds. 

Ingredients:                                                           For the filling:

Oil, for greasing                                                    125g strawberry jam.

175g butter, cubed                                               100ml double cream, whipped until soft peaks form.

175g caster sugar, plus 2 tablespoons       

100g fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced. (you can use your favourite jam or fruit)

3 large eggs                                                                 

200g self-raising flour

½ teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Icing sugar, for dusting


  1. Lightly oil the inside of two 20 cm round silicone cake moulds. Line the bases with non-stick baking paper.
  2. Put the butter in a large microwaveable mixing bowl and separate the cubes slightly. Cook uncovered in high for 20 secs(1000W), 30 secs (800W), or until softened but not melted. 
  3. Add caster sugar, eggs, flours, baking powder and vanilla extract, and beat with a wooden spoon or an electric mixer until well combined, thick, and creamy.
  4.  Spoon evenly into the prepared moulds and smooth the surface. Cook one sponge at a time uncovered on High for 3 minutes (1000W), 3 minutes 40 seconds (800W), or until the sponge is well risen and just firm to the touch. Leave to stand in the microwave for 5 minutes; it will continue cooking for a short while. 
  5. Cover a cooling rack with a sheet of non-stick baking paper and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons caster sugar. 
  6. Turn the cake out onto the sugared paper, remove the mould and lining paper and leave to cool. Make the second sponge in the same way.
  7. To assemble the cake, place one of the sponges on a serving plate or cake stand and spread with the jam without taking it right to the edges. Spoon the cream over the jam and spread gently. Scatter over the strawberries, then sandwich the second sponge on top. Dust with sifted icing sugar to serve. 


Chicken Noodle Soup                

Upper Juniors enjoyed a real winter warmer this week when they learned how to make chicken noodle soup. We talked about our favourite soup and learned different ways to create a stock base for soup. Students did a great job  preparing the vegetables and chicken. They carefully sliced and diced the onion and put on gloves to cut the chicken tenderloins into smaller pieces. They created a lovely soup with lots of flavour. Some students tried this soup for the first time. Well done Upper Juniors!



 6 cups chicken stock 

1 dessert spoon olive oil 

1 cup mixed vegetables fresh or frozen                                                         

1 packet of chicken tenderloins                           

150g instant noodles                                                                 

Salt and pepper                                                                       

Chopped parsley.                                                                                    

Squeeze lemon juice.  


What to do: 


  1. Place the oil into a saucepan and fry the onion until softened, add a teaspoon of crushed garlic then add chopped vegetables.
  2. Add chicken stock into the saucepan and wait for it to boil.
  3. Add the chicken pieces and stir so that the pieces do not stick together. Let the chicken cook in the stock for 4 minutes. 
  4. Add the noodles to the saucepan with a little salt and pepper and cook for 3 minutes, or until the noodles are soft. Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with parsley. Add a squeeze of lemon juice. Serve with bread rolls. 













  1. Preheat oven to 180 C., prepare patty pans in two trays.
  2. Sift and combine in a bowl plain flour, bicarbonate of soda, salt, cocoa, and sugar.
  3. Fill a jug with wet ingredients: oil, vinegar, and vanilla. Then add two cups of water. Add to dry ingredients.
  4. Stir with a wooden spoon until mixture is combined. Pour mixture into patty pans and bake in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Check with a skewer and give more time if needed. Cool and add chocolate icing.