Principal's Report 

"Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.- Jim Rohn

We face each day with the optimism that we will be better, wiser and more skillful in all that we do.  School is the best place to see this in action. Learning is not easy but we persevere and improve with support and practice. Learning exposes us to problems that we strategise and solve on our own or in collaboration with peers. Learning is challenging which is how we develop the resilience and commitment to the task. We may find ourselves in the “learning pit” but it is when we lift ourselves out that we experience true success. Learning is growing and we focus on personal growth for each of our students. We work alongside families to meet those needs and set high expectations for learning. Make each day a day of growth and optimism.

Year 7 Wellbeing Day

It was wonderful hearing the positive feedback from our Year 7 students regarding their recent Wellbeing Day. The theme of tolerance, acceptance, and positive decision-making resonated deeply with our students, reminding us all of the values we uphold at Beaumaris Secondary College.


Careers Week & Year 9 Morrisby Profiling

Our Careers Week (13 – 17 May) was a tremendous success, with students engaging in informative lunchtime talks exploring a wide array of career paths. From Project Management to Paediatrics, our guest speakers provided invaluable insights into various professions. Thank you to our speakers for generously sharing their time and expertise with our students.


As part of our commitment to guiding students toward fulfilling career paths, our Year 9 students will soon be participating in the Morrisby Profiling program. This initiative empowers students to explore their strengths, interests and potential career paths, paving the way for informed decision-making regarding their future endeavours.

VCE Music Soiree & Ensemble Soiree

Our VCE Music Soiree on Monday night showcased the exceptional talent of our students, highlighting the dedication and skill nurtured within our music program. I commend our music team for their hard work in organising these events and look forward to the upcoming Ensemble Soiree on 28 May, where our students will once again captivate us with their musical prowess.

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Feedback

Thank you to all parents/carers who have taken the time to complete the Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Feedback form on Compass. The form closes tomorrow, and I encourage you to complete it if you have not already done so. Your feedback is integral to shaping the future of Beaumaris Secondary College's Parent/Student/Teacher conferences.

Student Attitudes to School Survey

In the coming weeks, we will conduct the annual Attitudes to School Survey, a vital tool in understanding student perspectives and refining our college systems and programs. Student participation is greatly appreciated as we work together to cultivate a positive and enriching learning environment.

Year 10 & 11 Exams and GAT

As we approach the examination period, I encourage our Year 10 and 11 students to prepare diligently for their exams scheduled for 4 – 7 June. Additionally, all students enrolled in a VCE 3/4 study will undertake the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18 June. 

Please note that the Canteen will be closed on Tuesday 18 June to minimise disruption.

Celebrating Our Athletes' Achievements

We are delighted to recognise the outstanding performance of our students who proudly represented the college at Divisional Cross Country yesterday. It's inspiring to witness our teams achieve success across various sports on a regular basis. We commend our students for their remarkable skill and unwavering dedication.

National Volunteers Week

During this National Volunteers Week, I acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable parent volunteers at Beaumaris Secondary College. Your commitment enriches our school community in countless ways, from assisting at Open Night to supporting extracurricular activities and events. Your contributions not only enhance the educational experience of our students but also foster a shared approach to supporting young people, defining The Beaumaris Way. Thank you for your efforts; they truly make a difference.

Community Connections

I am proud to highlight our recent collaboration with Neighbourhood Watch Beaumaris, Black Rock & Sandringham, hosting a CPR training session on our premises. This initiative underscores our commitment to community engagement and emphasises the importance of life-saving skills within our broader network.

Staffing Update

I would like to extend a warm welcome to John Grant (Maintenance) who has recently joined our team.

John Grant
John Grant

Your Child’s Medical Information

As we continue to prioritise the health and safety of our students, we kindly remind you to ensure that your child’s medical information is up to date. Having accurate information on file is crucial for providing appropriate care and support to your child. 

If there have been any changes to your child's medical history, allergies or required medications, please advise the office at or 8569 9200.


Debby Chaves
