Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

Year 7 students received a rousing reception walking into their first Whole School Assembly with Year 12 students.
Year 7 students received a rousing reception walking into their first Whole School Assembly with Year 12 students.

Hello and welcome to the Junior School for 2024. Particular greetings to our incoming Year 7 students and their families and caregivers. I hope that your son has had an enjoyable first week as a St Patrick’s student – they deserve a restful weekend after a big few days.


Term 1 officially commenced on Wednesday for our Year 7 and 12 students and the excitement was obvious at the front entrance as the newest additions to St Patrick’s College entered through the famous front gates. Day one allowed the Year 7 students to:

  • Spend valuable time getting to know their Homeroom Teacher 
  • Become better acquainted with their peers
  • Organise their locker and receive their laptops
  • Receive a tour of the facilities at St Patrick’s courtesy of their Year 12 “buddy”. This was highlighted by sharing a part of the lunch break with the Year 12 students in Chapel Court where their “buddy” brought them over an icy pole

Day Two

The 2024 Junior School came together for the first time on Thursday as our Year 8 students arrived for their first day. It was great to see busy classrooms and everyone enjoying each others company once again. The day was complemented with a Whole School Assembly which was highlighted by the Year 7 students entering into the gym with their Year 12 “buddy”. This was a significant moment and one in which we officially welcomed our newest students to St Patrick’s. 


That evening saw many attend the Junior School Information/Welcome evening in the new Performing Arts Centre. During this session, families and caregivers were able to hear from Principal Mr Steven O’Connor and other members of Leadership, key staff regarding the College’s diverse co-curricular program and most notably, they spent time meeting and getting to know their sons Homeroom teacher. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the evening and to the Homeroom staff for their involvement in the night.


Things don’t slow down in the Junior School as next week, the Year 7’s attend their orientation camp at the Log Cabin Camp. This provides the boys with another good opportunity to start forming friendships with other students in their Homeroom group along with at least one other Homeroom group in attendance too. A reminder that the Homeroom groups are attending on the following days:


Camp 1

  • Monday, 5 February to Tuesday, 6 February: 7C (Mr Ebbels) and 7G (Mrs Harrington)

Camp 2

  • Tuesday, 6 February to Wednesday, 7 February: 7A (Mrs Rossato), 7D (Mrs Bird) and 7F (Dr. Moll)

Camp 3

  • Wednesday, 7 February to Thursday, 8 February: 7E (Mr Barfoot) and 7G (Mrs Bashford – Leger)

Camp 4

  • Thursday, 8 February to Friday, 9 February: 7B (Mr Earl) and 7H (Mr Lappin) 


Scheduled around the Year 7 camp are the Year 7 swimming trials. Hopefully families will have noticed this through PAM. If you are yet to confirm your sons involvement in the Year 7 swimming trials, can you please do so prior to Monday, 5 February.


Schedule of swimming trials as follows:

  • Wednesday, 7 February: Homerooms 7C and 7H (Lesson 3)
  • Thursday, 8 February: Homerooms 7A, 7B and 7F (Lesson 3)
  • Friday, 9 February: Homerooms 7D and 7G (Lesson 3) and 7E and 7I (Lesson 4)

The first two weeks are incredibly busy in the Junior School, and I would like to recognise the roll of our Year 7 and 8 Homeroom teachers in ensuring a seamless transition into Term 1. Thanks must also go to our Year 7 Coordinators Mrs Margie Dodd and Mrs Jacinta Burge as well as our Year 8 Coordinators, Mr Sam Cue, Mrs Hannah Walter and Mr John Hearn.


Once again, welcome to the Junior School for 2024. I am excited for you to be involved in our community and look forward to an enjoyable year ahead. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your sons Homeroom teacher, Year Level Coordinator or me should you have any questions or concerns regarding the operations of the Junior School.