Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

Mr Kevin Robillard - Assistant Principal Pastoral Care & Wellbeing

Hello and welcome the start of another school year. I hope you have had a good break and are looking forward to all the wonderful programs and events ahead. 

Welcome Evenings

We have celebrated the formal start of our year with a welcome evening for parents in the Junior School on Thursday, 1  February. This evening highlighted the wonderful vision of the school as well as all the different opportunities to get involved. It was also the first occasion we had to show off our new Performing Arts Centre. The space was definitely appreciated with more than 400 parents and family members in attendance. This was also recorded and we hope families from our boarding community, or those who could not make it, will have a look on the website to hear the positive messages. I also look forward to next week where the Middle School welcome evening will take place on Tuesday, 6 February, and the Senior School VCE information and welcome evening will take place on Thursday, 8 February.

Year 7 First Day

We had perfect weather to welcome a new cohort of Year 7 students this week. A day with only Year 12 and Year 7 students was designed to help ensure a smooth transition to secondary school. Parents were also welcomed in for morning tea, which many attended. 


During the day the Year 12 students found their buddy and took them around the campus. They then ate lunch together where our Year 12 students handed out Zooper Doopers to the younger ones. We hope the Year 12s will continue their mentorship of our Year 7 students throughout the year. They came together again on the second day, walking into the first Whole School Assembly side-by-side. Some Year 12 students will also go out to the Year 7 camp next week to teach the St Patrick's College War Cry. We could not be more proud of our senior boys and look forward to the rest of their achievements this year.

Busy Start

We are only two days in and already the calendar is jam-packed for Week 2. We are looking forward to two significant wellbeing events next week. Our Year 7’s head out to camp at Creswick. This is purposely planned to be early so that students can make a connection to the school and other students in their homeroom. Monday and Tuesday will also see Year 9 students participate in team building days. Making connections at school is crucial for promoting positive learning environments, encouraging collaboration and the exchange of ideas among students. Social connections enhance the emotional wellbeing, creating a supportive atmosphere for academic challenges. Networking with peers and teachers fosters a sense of belonging, making the educational journey more enjoyable and successful. These connections play a vital role in transitioning to secondary school and we look forward to seeing all our Year 7 students challenged and have a great time.