Acting Deputy Principal

Ms Carol Roberts - Assistant Principal Learning Innovation

Year 7 students are given a warm welcome at the front gates by our Year 12 students.
Year 7 students are given a warm welcome at the front gates by our Year 12 students.

Welcome to the 2024 school year! On Wednesday, we greeted our new Year 7 students, alongside our Year 12 students, as they commenced their 2024 school year. For our Year 7’s, starting secondary school is a milestone event, and it was joyous to see and feel the excitement as they entered the gates as students of the College for the first time. For our Year 12’s, this represented the beginning of their final year of secondary education; their sense of energy and ambition was clear, as they embarked on this important stage in their educational journey. 


On Thursday, we welcomed all students back to the College with a whole school assembly, to celebrate the commencement of the school year. It was wonderful to see the community come together as one for the first time this year. At the assembly I spoke to the students about the rich history of the College, of which they are now the custodians of.

St Patrick’s College has flourished for over 130 years, and we are proud of the College’s rich history. 


It is absolutely essential that when it comes to every choice we make, that we continue to honour the College’s deep traditions. We cherish these traditions, some of which we derive from as far back as the school’s foundation, in 1893, and which encompass the hopes and dreams of the thousands and thousands of students who have entered the gates throughout the College’s history, as well as the staff who have contributed to the College’s story.


However, it is important that we refuse to be complacent, and that we refuse to ever let our standards slip. It is important that we continue to search for ways to continuously improve what we do, and how we do it. 


St Pat’s is not a museum – we cannot flourish in the future only by looking to the past glory and success. For the boys who have commenced this week, they are the future of St Patrick’s College.


Yesterday, during our welcome assembly, I emphasised to the boys that the greatest honour we can pay those that went before us is to ensure the College they loved remains committed to excellence in all things. This in turn, supports and enables every one of our students to thrive and achieve.


We are about learning – this may seem obvious, because we are a school. But something I emphasised to the boys during the assembly, is that everything we do has within it, an opportunity for you to learn.


As educators, we care deeply about each of our students – we want the very best for them. We care about their wellbeing, and we care about helping every boy to progress in everything they do. We have high expectations of our students, because we believe in what they can achieve, and we want to help boys to be the best version of themselves.


The opportunities are limitless for our students, as students of St Patrick’s College. We encourage every student to not only see the potential for learning in all things, but to seek out opportunity, try out new things, and to be courageous in the pursuit of their dreams. We will be there to support them along the way.


I would like to conclude by sharing some words from my address to the students during our welcome assembly. The words were addressed to the new Year 7 students, but I think they apply to all of our students, as we start afresh in a new school year:


Starting secondary school is a milestone event in your life. What will you remember of these first days of secondary school? How do you want to be remembered? Today, you are embarking on a remarkable journey. 


Time flies, and before you know it, you will be sitting in the place of the Year 12 students that sit beside you. So, determine who you want to be, and be sure to leave the legacy that you want to leave, as a Paddy’s boy.


May God’s blessings be on all our students and staff, as they embark on the 2024 school year.