Library News

Library Newsletter Update - Term 1, Week 3 (Thursday 15th March)


I would like to extend a warm welcome to all FWPS students and their families. Here’s hoping that the start of the 2024 school year has been a smooth one for everyone.



I would like to express my thanks to Maria Barham (Ryan 5HT), Mike Welsh (Ciaran 6MI) and Chantelle Petith (Juniper 2TF) for the generosity they showed in giving their time over the holidays to help complete the library stocktake. Maria has also been busily covering new books in her own time at home, so they are ready to be placed on the shelves.



Borrowing for 2024 has started. Students in P-2 can borrow two books each week. Students in Grades 3-6 can borrow three books. Students can keep their books at home for two weeks, after which they become overdue. If books are not returned by their due date, no more books can be borrowed.


Lost or Damaged Books

In the unfortunate circumstance that a book is lost or damaged beyond repair it will need to be paid for before students can take another book home. A fee of $10 is incurred for lost or damaged books. This is payable through the school office.


Book Fair

Our regular Scholastic Book Fair is coming up later this term. It will run for one week from Monday, March 18th until Friday, March 22nd. More information to follow.


If you have any questions, please contact me via Compass.


Kind regards,

Heather Patterson