Music News
Music Teachers: Jane McCracken
Music News
Music Teachers: Jane McCracken
Year 2
In term 1 this year, the year 2's have started practising their skills of being considerate in the music room, using the musical equipment responsibly and packing up carefully.
While doing this, they have also been creating rhythms and growing familiar with rhythm notation. They have been consolidating their knowledge of the musical alphabet and finding C's and G's on keyboards, ukuleles and guitars.
In future weeks we will be using these notes and chords to compose our own music and accompany our singing of well-known songs.
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6
In music this term, the year 3s and 4s are learning exercises and short songs to help them develop some singing technique and also singing in rounds which helps them develop the skill of focussing on their own part whilst other things are going on musically.
Alongside this, they are learning about the “back beat” or “Rock Beat” (4 on the floor). They composing music to show how this can be played on a variety of instruments and will go on, in the Musical Futures tradition, to vote as classes on songs to learn which feature this common-place rhythm. Their work this term will also feature learning to recognise and use rhythm notation.