School Assembly 

Our first assembly for Term 3 will be on Friday 2nd August 2024 commencing at 2.40pm. We hope to see you there!

School Assembly for the 3rd Term Dates

Here are the dates that our school assemblies will be held in Term 3

*Friday 2nd August at 2.40pm

*Friday 20th September at 2.40pm

Jelly Bean Cup 

The Year 5-6 class deserves commendation for their victory in the Jelly Bean Cup, which recognised their embodiment of the behaviours associated with the Living Well, Learning Well framework. Furthermore, we extend our congratulations to all the students mentioned below, who have been acknowledged for their outstanding achievements in their classrooms over the last fortnight.



Stirling Larkings - Trying super hard with journal writing and for being facebook famous!

Alice Scherff - Trying to listen and follow instructions carefully especially during maths.


Year 1/2

Jack Provost - Mosti improved reading of decodable books.

Kenzie Wark - Overall improvement in Mathematics

Brayden Blake - Always being considerate of and friendly towards classmates


Year 3/4

Phoebe Grills - Consistently completing her homework every week this term.

Shaun Zorgdrager - Making considerable improvement in his spelling this term.


Year 5/6

Grace Fletcher - Showing a great understanding of all of the concepts covered in Science and Technology this term.

Emily Zorgdrager - Showing a great understanding of all of the concepts covered in Science and Technology this term.



Spirit of St Patrick Award

Bentley Brennan