Music News

Music Teachers: Jane McCracken 

Music Room Overview – Term 2

This term in music classes we are learning different songs so that each class can vote on which song will make for the best performance. Stay tuned for more information regarding dates and times!


Year 2

We have been continuing to improve their fine motor and musical skills. 2TF, 2CW and 2DK have been working on how to play B, A and G on recorders and learning a variety of songs that use those notes. 2MM and 2BL have been locating notes on the piano keyboard and glockenspiels and spelling words that only use notes of the musical alphabet. They have been learning the song “Cabbage Café” as well as having the opportunity to create their own compositions. 


Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

We have been selecting songs and instruments and individually identifying goals of skills to further develop. We’ve been singing, playing keyboards, guitars, basses, drums, percussion instruments and ukuleles. Each class has been learning 2 songs and will pick which one to perform as the end of the term draws closer.



Jane McCracken