Wellbeing & Inclusion News

Understanding Mental Health and Mental Health Conditions

Mental health and mental health conditions are different and exist on a continuum


At one end, Flourishing represents optimal functioning in which a child or young person feels good, functions well, relates well with others, and approaches their learning with purpose, curiosity and optimism.


Next are children and young people who are Going OK. They experience good mental health and an absence of frequent or significant feelings of distress.


In the Struggling range are children and young people who may come to the attention of educators due to more noticeable but generally time-limited periods of distress which have a mild impact on their behaviour, learning and relationships.


These experiences may either be a) an expected part of development and growing up, b) an expected emotional reaction to challenging life circumstances, or c) the early signs of an emerging mental health condition.


Finally, children and young people at the far right-hand-side of the continuum have thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are distressing and have a severe impact on everyday activities.


We all shift back and forth along the continuum


Mental health changes over time in response to different stresses and experiences. There are many factors, both internal and external, that affect where someone generally sits on the continuum, and also where they sit at any given point in time.


Most children and young people sit at the positive mental health end of the continuum, most of the time


In our role in the school setting, we help nudge them towards Flourishing and reaching their full potential by promoting their social, emotional and academic development.


However, many children and young people will demonstrate changes in their relationships, behaviour and learning that suggest they may be in, or are moving towards, the other end of the continuum.


As key adults in a child or young person’s life, our goal is to notice these changes and act to get things back on track. The wellbeing team may talk to you about what we have noticed, and what supports might be helpful. If you notice changes, you are encouraged to discuss them with your child's teacher or the wellbeing team. 


Development and context matters


When thinking about where a child or young person is on the continuum, it’s important to consider their age as a very wide range of emotions and behaviours are expected at different stages of development.


It’s also important to consider context and what’s going on in their life. Strong emotional and behavioural reactions are understandable and expected when someone is faced with difficult circumstances.


Sourced from Be You https://beyou.edu.au/resources/mental-health-continuum