Teaching & Learning News

Exceptional Work from the VHAP - Victorian High Ability Program

We were recently informed that one of our students, Jasper Moodie from 5LW, published an exceptional piece of writing. Through the VHAP English program, students were encouraged to write a creative piece following the writing process. We are proud here at Footscray West Primary School to share Jasper’s work. 

Baobab Tree


Big coarse tree  

Holding the wind back  

Leaves a jungle of their own 

A boabab tree  

A water bottle  

A hotel for birds  

Leaves as green as earth itself  

Silky smooth leaves  

But when autumn comes… 

Baobab tree  

Leaves as brown as bark 

Laying peacefully on the ground 

But when winter comes… 

Baobab tree  

Leaves as invisible as air 


But when spring comes… 

Big baobab tree  

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