Student Achievements

FIRST LEGO League - First Place!

After months of preparation, we are proud to announce our Year 7-9 students have come FIRST in the FIRST LEGO League Challenge hosted by Scotch College (against around 20 other schools!) 


This competition has students 'engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering - building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game.' 


There are two components to the competition - the Innovation Project and the Pitch. The Project required creating a solution to an issue in the Entertainment Industry and the Robot Category. They designed and a programmed a Lego robot using SpikePrime to perform missions and received points for each mission completed. Our team performed exceedingly well in this Project, but the judges were even more impressed with their Pitch for the Innovation Project.


A huge congratulations to these bright students and a big thanks to our Year 11s who helped coach their juniors along the way! 


The Nationals are in Tasmania on the 16 December this year.

French Competitions - SAFTA & Alliance Française


"Mais grâces soient rendues à Dieu, qui nous donne la victoire par notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ !"   1 Corinthiens 15:57


"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 

1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)


Our school, across the two campuses and the different sub-schools, has achieved significant success in various French competitions recently. The winners received their certificates during a huge ceremony representing our school with pride. 


Students from Year 1 to 6 participated in memorising and reciting French poems individually, showcasing their individual talent. 


Year 7/8 students engaged in a group recitation competition for a poem, demonstrating their cohesion and mastery of the language. 


Year 9 students created TikTok-style videos, explaining how to do something in French, adding a modern twist to their creativity. 


As for the Year 10 students, they impressed everyone by presenting convincing fake news videos, highlighting their in-depth understanding of communication and information.


Congratulations to all our winners for their exceptional talent and dedication!


Our winners for 2023 SAFTA & Alliance Française d’Adelaïde:

  1. Poetry Competition: Elle O (Mention Très Bien=very good) Year 1/2 Brooklyn Park
  2. Poetry Competition: Daniela A (Prix du Jury (Honours)) Year 3/4 Brooklyn Park
  3. Poetry Competition: Leon Z (Prix du Jury (Honours)) Year 1/2 South Plympton
  4. Poetry Competition: Mention Très Bien=very good, Year 7
    1. Henri G
    2. Ziyang L 
    3. Nathaniel M
  5. Tik-Tok style Video: Mia G (3rd Place) Year 9
  6. Fake News Competition: 1st Place, Year 10
    1. Caleb Z 
    2. Charlotte B 
    3. Joshua C 
  7. Fake News Competition: Year 10, Certificat de réussite (success certificate)
    1. Jesse B
    2. Lucas C
    3. Keagan W


Allez Emmaüs!!


Neven Daoud 

French Key Teacher (1-12)

SACLO Competition (South Australian Computational Linguistics Olympiad)


On Thursday 26 October, 16 of our enthusiastic students from Year 7-11 participated to the 2023 SACLO competition (South Australian Computational Linguistics Olympiad). 


It was an exciting journey for our competitors, who were all eager to embark on a unique adventure that combines linguistics, code-breaking, and creative problem-solving. This competition is a platform for students to explore their passion for language, challenge themselves, and think outside the box. 


By participating in SACLO, they not only aspire to become linguists but also to master the art of computational linguistics, a field that blends language and technology. 


With fierce determination, they competed against other South Australian schools, ready to tackle linguistic puzzles and decode the most cryptic challenges, proving that they are the next generation of linguists and problem-solvers.


Neven Daoud 

French Key Teacher (1-12)

Tournament of Minds

Seven of our Year 5 students participated in the Australian Tournament of Minds competition in Melbourne recently. This is a competition focusing on collaborative problem solving and critical thinking. It is open to both primary and secondary students. Challenges are set in the following disciplines: Arts, Language and Literature, Social Sciences and STEM. Our team won the Primary Language and Literature competition and went to Melbourne to compete in the International Finals alongside other States and Territories.


We were welcomed with an Opening Ceremony on Friday morning and the children were greeted by other States and encouraged to swap State badges. The children were given lanyards to pin their badges and had an opportunity to build relationships with other participants. During the ceremony, each team was welcomed and even heard all the other State's and Territories' chants. After a spot of lunch we participated in an IRace. Teams used mapping skills to achieve certain challenges around the city of Melbourne. We explored different street art, architecture and problem-solved challenges. Our team did so well battling with the heat and getting many steps in.


On Saturday we went to La Trobe University where the teams were separated into their different ages and disciplines, and were given their Unknown Challenge for the competition. Our team had to write a new mystery play for Agatha Christie, using three given quotes. They were given three hours to create an original script, make props with items given to them without adult supervision. During their three-hour planning time the judges visited their room where they responded to a spontaneous challenge.


Our group worked hard, and showed lots of creativity and team work. They created amazing props and their play was executed brilliantly. They solved their mystery and had a plot twist within their script. 


The students were able to watch each others’ plays and got to experience the differences each team brought.


We were treated to dinner after all the performances and then had the awards ceremony. South Australia did well to win in the Senior Arts discipline and did get an Honours in the Junior STEM discipline.


On Sunday we headed into Melbourne for the last time to visit the Queen Street Market. The students spent some money and had some down time from an extremely busy three days.


I was so proud of the effort and determination our team had. Their manners and the way they shone God’s love to all was evident everywhere they went. They have come away with a fantastic experience, new friends and the drive to better themselves the next time they participate in the Tournament of Minds.


Susan Van der Merwe

Year 3/4 Teacher, South Plympton


High Distinction in Piano Exam 

Our Year 6 student Jeremy (South Plympton campus) has achieved a High Distinction (A+) result in his recent grade 5 piano exam. 


We are so proud of Jeremy for achieving such excellence!




'Discover SAPOL' Program

One of our Year 12 students, Camryn W, was able to participate in the South Australia Police 'Discover SAPOL' Program during the School Holidays. 


Camryn applied and was successfully chosen as one of 40 students from all over SA who were able to participate in a one week long work experience program with SAPOL, including visits to Water Ops, the Police Academy, Port Adelaide Police Station, Thebarton Barracks and the Adelaide Magistrates Court. 


Camryn was introduced to a variety of roles across SA Police, attending lectures, participating in interactive problem-solving activities and role-playing sessions across the week. 


We are proud of Camryn successfully completing this program!


Term 4 Sporting Achievements 

Visit the Sports Update Page