Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


Welcome back to school to students, staff and parents. I hope you have had a restful holiday and are raring to go for an exciting term three!


As you'll be able to see, we have much to look forward to this term. Next week our amazing Preps celebrate 100 Days of Prep followed by the best of our athletes heading to the District Interschool Athletics in Keilor Park. Add to that LITFEST2024 and excursions and we've got a lot going on at the moment!


Looking back to last term, thank you to everyone who came along to the Parent Teacher Conference in the last week of term. I know the teachers really appreciated having the opportunity to talk your child's learning goals. Collaboration between students, teachers and parents allows the greatest possible impact on every students' learning.


After School Pick Up

With school finishing at 3:15pm it is imperative students are picked up by 3:25pm. For Prep to Year Two students this will mean being collected from their classroom teacher. This is to ensure the safety of all students. If you are unable to pick your child up on time Our Patch is available for out of school hours care. We understand that sometimes life happens and you may be delayed. If that is the case please make sure you call the office. But if you know that you regularly can't make it to school for pick up at 3:25pm we ask that you please take advantage of the services Our Patch offer. 


Prep Enrolment 2025 - CLOSING SOON

Enrolments for Prep 2025 close this Friday 26 July. Any enrolment applications received after this date are subject to our standard school enrolment policy and will not guarantee your child's acceptance. If you or someone you know is considering joining our school community in 2025 (all year levels) we highly recommend submitting an application before 26 July, 2025.


We will be contact families to confirm their child's enrolment over the next week. 


Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together. 


Michael Uzunovski
