Quick bites

Keeping you informed

Term 3 Timetable Changes

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our operations at the College, and in response to changes in public transport schedules, we are implementing an adjusted timetable, starting in Term 3.


These changes will not affect the amount of face-to-face time in classes, or the length of recess or lunchtime. The adjustments will specifically impact the length of student movement time between classes, which will be reduced from seven minutes down to five minutes. 


As such, the St Patrick’s College School Day will officially commence at 8:58am, effective from the first day of Term 3.


In addition to these changes, we wish to notify families that the supervised hours within the College will be between 8:35am and 3:45pm.


By making these changes, particularly at the start of the College day, we aim to reduce any disruption to learning caused by late-arriving public buses and improve the overall efficiency of the St Patrick’s College school day.

Cyber Safety information session

Susan McLean
Susan McLean

St Patrick's College will host a free Cyber Safey information session for parents and caregivers next month featuring one of Australia's leaders in cyber safety and young people, Susan McLean.

The session will be held on Wednesday 24 July at 7pm in the Performing Arts Centre and cover a range of cyber safety topics including:

  • Reality and risk
  • What are kids doing online
  • Online grooming
  • Cyberbullying
  • Sharing nude photos
  • Problematic gambling
  • Exposure to damaging content
  • Cyber safety top tips

Ms McLean was the first Victoria Police officer appointed to a dedicated cyber safety and young people position and is considered Australia's foremost expert in this space.

Since her first report on cyberbullying in 1994, she has conducted extensive research and training in Australia and overseas, and is a sought-after presenter and advisor to schools, GPs, State and Federal Governments and elite sporting bodies including the AFL.

A published author, her book 'Sexts, Texts and Selfies' is described as a definitive guide for parents, teachers and carers to help children stay safe online. 


History/Religious Education Tour Opportunity

In the 2025 winter school holidays, St Patrick’s College College will be offering a History/Religious Education tour to Turkey, Greece and Italy. Information sessions for students and parents will be held next term when we have firmer news on costs and dates.


We have sent a wish list to the travel agency and are waiting to hear from them regarding costs and actual destinations. Times and dates are still to be determined; however we are aiming for a trip of approximately 15 nights and will choose departure and return dates to minimise flight costs and disruptions to your son’s learning.


The tour will loosely follow the journeys of St Paul and our wish list includes sites such as Tarsus, Antioch, Ephesus, Gallipoli, Phillipi, Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, Pompeii, Naples and Rome.


The timing of the trip has been chosen to maximise the benefits gained by our senior students who will have the trip fresh in their memories when they sit their final exams.


At this stage, the tour will be open to Year 12 students studying History, Texts and Traditions and Religion and Society and Year 11 students studying History and Texts and Traditions, however all students who apply to go will be considered. We are aiming for a tour group of 20 to 30 students. 

- Mitch Leviston and Matt Miller

Uniform Shop update

I am pleased to advise that Dobson’s will be opening its onsite store at the College from the second week of the term holidays. Its opening hours will be:

  • Monday: 8.30am-11.30am 
  • Wednesday: 1.30pm-4.30pm 
  • Friday: 8.30am-11.30am 

The onsite store will be closed on Public Holidays and other dates as advised. During peak order periods, its opening hours will increase.


I am also pleased to advise that Dobsons is close to securing a site for its Ballarat retail store, which is expected to open during Term 4. Once operational, it will be open Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) and Saturday mornings.  More information will be provided once available.


Dobsons online store will be fully operational by mid-July and offers home/office delivery or click-and-collect from the College during shop opening hours. Dobsons has a flexible return policy if a wrong size is ordered. Please note, if you had credit card details on file with the Uniform Shop, this information was not transferred to Dobsons and has been destroyed.  Boarding families will be able to open a 30-day account with Dobsons.


Finally, just a reminder that student stationary is no longer sold onsite.  All stationary items that were sold at the Uniform Shop are readily available at supermarkets and big-box stationery stores. Further, IT accessories such as power adaptors and chargers can be ordered via this link: https://stpats.orderportal.com.au which can also be found in PAM and on the College website homepage under 'Resources'.


I thank-you for your patience during this transition. 

- Mr Andrew Jirik, Business Manager

Term Dates 2024

Term 3           

All Students Commence: Monday, 15 July

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 19 August          

Classes Conclude: Friday, 13 September

VCE Practice Exams Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September


Term 4 

All Students Commence: Monday, 7 October

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 4 November and Tuesday, 5 November (Melbourne Cup)

Classes Conclude: Tuesday, 10 December