Performing Arts

Ms Monique Allen, Head of Drama

The Lion King Jr First Rehearsals

Rehearsals are underway for Lion King Jr
Rehearsals are underway for Lion King Jr

It’s the circle of life, but we can’t quite believe we’re onto our next show already! School of what… 

The Lion King Jr is in full swing with rehearsals kicking off in Week 10 run by director Mrs Samantha Bashford-Leger and vocal director Mr Tim Snibson. The cast are having lots of fun dissecting how the different animals move as they choreograph the opening of the show. We can already tell this is going to be something special!

Public speaking achievement

Josh Retallick
Josh Retallick

Year 12 student Josh Retallick has been offered an amazing opportunity through the Royal South Street Society. Josh has been invited to be a featured performer on the Royal South Street Society Hour which is a national and global radio show in September, to be broadcast from 3WBC studio in Box Hill. 


Josh will be presenting a prepared speech to perform live in the studio, followed by an interview with the show hosts about his speech and drama accolades over many years. This is going out to a national audience and is incredible exposure for him. 


This experience has led to other opportunities for past competitors over the years, including workshop experiences within a live radio station and even co-hosting the program. Well done, Josh! We are very proud of this amazing achievement and wish you all the best!