FWPS Parents Association

This week we have sent out our new flyer explaining what we do in the Parent’s Association and how you can get involved. 


In 2024 we hope to grow our numbers and become an association that reflects our diverse and interesting parent community. 


Please join our mailing list or email us if you want more information about how you can get involved. Feel free to share the link with grandparents and other carers too. All are welcome.


Term 1 is speeding along, and as we head into the final few weeks before the holidays, we are excited to share the upcoming events we have planned to end the term:


Book Fair

Led by Heather in the library, the annual book fair will be held in Week 8: 18th-22nd March. As both a valuable fundraiser for the library and a highlight on the school calendar, the Parent’s Association is supporting this event by providing volunteers to supervise the fair. If you can help manage crowds and direct customers - please sign up via the following link. Shifts are approximately 40 minutes, and both morning and afternoon sessions are available.


Volunteer Signup - Online volunteer signup sheets - Book Fair 2024 signup sheet


Easter Raffle

The Easter raffle is returning for 2024! To be in the running to take home a basket, make sure you get your tickets soon - these will be available on Compass. To be drawn at the final assembly on Thursday 28th March, all money raised will go towards the cost of replacing the basketball court.


To ensure the success of this event, families are asked to donate one chocolate egg, and judging by the success of the 2023 raffle we are anticipating a lot of chocolate! If you have a couple of hours free to help turn these donations into wonderful prizes, please sign up to volunteer on the morning of Tuesday 26th March, 9.00-11.30am. Small children welcome.


Volunteer Signup - Online volunteer signup sheets - Easter Raffle Wrapping 2024 signup sheet


End of Term Sausage Sizzle

We are excited to welcome back the FWPS tradition of the end of term sausage sizzle, to be held on Wednesday 27th March. Orders can be made via Compass, make sure you get yours in now! 


Of course the success of a day such as this relies upon the support of our volunteers. Look out for more news from us in the coming weeks including opportunities to volunteer on the day. 


* A reminder that if you would like to volunteer at school, you will need to provide a Working with Children Check and complete the school’s online Volunteer Induction course - a small effort for a big reward!


With thanks,


Clare and Alicia

and the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association

Please check-out our Facebook Page: search for FWPS Parents Association