Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

ViraajPACYou always apply your personal best effort to all numeracy tasks. Excellent effort!
IsabelPAKFor being a caring and helpful member of our class. We appreciate you.
DaisyPBDFor being a friendly student and always including others. Keep it up!
QuinnPLBFor being a model student to her peers. Quinn is always listening attentively and ensuring the classroom is a safe and happy environment for all. A fantastic start to Prep, Quinn!
Ava1JMFor consistently showing respect and kindness as seen when working with others in pairs and small groups. You're a star!
Evert1JSFor being a kind, considerate and supportive peer to all of his classmates. Thank you for putting smiles on everyone's faces.
Brayden1LEFor great participation during daily review. Keep up the amazing effort Brayden.
Quynh1LLFor the effort and enthusiasm you put towards your writing. We love how much detail you include!
Marty1MMFor adding detail to your writing by including some amazing adjectives to describe your nouns. Well done Marty!
Euan2BLFor consistently using a growth mindset and rising to new challenges. Euan frequently takes initiative and is a valued member of 2BL. Please continue to be your enthusiastic self Euan!
Marcus2CWFor your enthusiasm in all areas of learning and for always being up for a challenge. Great job, Marcus!
Maisie2DKFor the wonderful attitude she shows in class every day. It's great to see you ask extra questions to ensure you are successful in all of your learning activities.
Ayaan2MMFor being a respectful member of 2MM and being a good friend to all. I appreciate your big heart Ayaan.
Ummi2TFFor her consistent positive attitude to all activities in and out of the classroom. Great job, Ummi!
Beth3KTFor being a kind and thoughtful member of 3KT. Thank you for helping others feel included.
Malik3MPFor always working with a positive attitude. Well done Malik!
Ari3TMFor always participating enthusiastically in Numeracy Daily Review. Thank you, Ari!
Archie3TNFor applying personal best and having a go in all work tasks. Great job Archie!
Otis4AFFor embracing the routine of the class morning circle and making valuable contributions to the discussions we have in that time. Great work Otis!
Maggie4CMFor giving your personal best in all situations. You bring a positive attitude into the classroom every day and treat everyone in 4CM with respect.
Roman4MKFor settling into your new school so beautifully and for becoming a positive member of 4MK. Great job!
Hikma5HTFor always bringing enthusiasm and energy to the classroom. You're a superstar!
Lachie5LWFor taking his time to show the younger students how to pick tomatoes and teach them about all the different varieties.
TJ5RCFor continually completing his classwork to a high level, actively participating in class discussion and assisting students in paired work! You should be very proud TJ! Well done!
Ellfa5TCFor her valuable contributions to class discussions and showing resilience when challenged.
Grace6KRFor demonstrating remarkable maturity and natural leadership when working on the 6KR assembly item and tackling challenging learning tasks with confidence.
Nada6MAFor being such a responsible, caring and industrious member of our class. Top work Nada, keep it up!
Laisani6MIFor believing in and dedication towards your leadership research project. Your determination and organisation having really started to blossom!
Estelle6MPFor consistently showing care for your learning and seeking support when needed. Keep it up!
George Garcia - 6MPTheirCareFor being a role model and assisting the younger children during the fire evacuation drill. Well done, George!!