Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week’s newsletter:

  • Appreciations and Acknowledgements
    • Hoodie Up for Autism
    • IDAHOBIT Day
    • World’s Biggest Morning Tea
  • News
    • Orchard to Plate
    • FWPS building project
    • FWPS’ Vision and values Design Competition 
  • Coming Up
    • Incursion - First Perspectives
    • Divisional Cross County
    • Grade 5 and 5 camping program communications
    • BSEM curriculum Day
    • Musical Futures Concerts for grades 5 and 6 
    • Student learning conferences 
  • Repeated (and updated messages)

Appreciations and Acknowledgements

Hoodie Up for Autism - We were delighted that our student body was highly supportive of our JSC promoted casual dress day with a purpose.  At assembly our captains expressed how HUFA Day promotes understanding, acceptance and inclusion. We were pleased that $803.65 was raised by our community for the AMAZE Foundation.     


IDAHOBIT Day - At assembly we also acknowledged another day where understanding, inclusion and acceptance is key.  Captains Aisha and Milly defined IDAHOBIT Day for our students, placed the date into historical context and made the link to our own school values of Belonging and Respect.  


World’s Biggest Morning Tea - On Wednesday staff participated in a morning tea to support the Cancer Council annual event.  Thanks to Michelle Metcalf for championing this idea. We have a link for any families who may be interested in donating to this wonderful cause:


Orchard to Plate with grade 6 - For the latest video of our students loving learning at FWPS, please select the link:


Building Project - I had anticipated that there would have been more opportunity to share our planning for our own BIG BUILD at FWPS.  Last evening our School Council Facilities subcommittee discussed plans based on my recollection, as the strict confidentiality protocols preclude the sharing of documentation relating to the project.  Nevertheless, I can share that our design for the new gymnasium, music, food tech and canteen space are well advanced.  Our contract partners have worked closely with the principal team and have sought very detailed suggestions and feedback from Stratos (PE), Jane (music) and Lindy (canteen).  We will work through what base level and in best case scenario, what tender options will be agreed to, prior to the voluminous planning tender documents being made available to experienced building contractors.  While we know that building project timelines often change, our current expectation is that the current Gecko area will be unavailable during the last couple of weeks of the school year and demolition will be planned during the January period.  This will be followed by a minimum of a 12 month construction period.  I am very keen to share plans and will do so at the first opportunity.  I do not anticipate that will be possible until considerably later in the school year.


Vision and Values at FWPS - For the last fortnight we have been publicising our new values of Belonging, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility through our Vision and Values Icon Design Competition.  We have received some marvellous submissions from students and families.  These initial submissions have been displayed in the Wallaby corridor.  We are in the process of arranging 4 fabulous family prizes in anticipation that there may be 4 separate prize winners.  Remember the final date for submissions is Friday, 31st May via the office or your child’s teacher.

Coming Up… 

Incursion - First Perspectives - First session tomorrow in the Gecko, Indigenous Torres Strait Island performer, Dion Drummond will return to FWPS to provide a cultural experience involving stories, dance and music.  This is a highly participatory experience for the grade 2 students and will convey through humour and empathy, our school value of respect.  


Divisional Cross County - A group of 19 qualifying students from grades 4 to 6 will represent Footscray District and our school next Wednesday morning at the annual  Maribyrnong Division Cross Country event to be held at Brimbank Park.  All participants will be required to be at school from 8:30am (enter via reception) in line for a 8:45am departure by bus.  Stratos will accompany the students on the day.


Grade 5 and 5 Camping Program Communications - Thanks to our Grade 5 and 6 families who have recently responded to the Compass notifications relating to either the Grade 6 Log Cabin Ballarat camp and the Grade 5 Kangaroobie camp. Staff are currently checking in with those families who have not responded to assist with planning and organisation. Further details, including payment requirements, will be posted shortly.


BSEM Curriculum Day - On Thursday 6th June (a fortnight today) we will be holding a Curriculum Day for the purpose of holding our second day of staff training as part of our two year implementation of The Berry Street Education Model.  This will be a pupil free day.  TheirCare will provide a full day program on this day - please book online or by phone - / 1300 072 410.


Musical Futures Concerts for Grades 5 and 6 Classes - This year our senior school Musical Futures concert will be held on Wednesday, 19th June throughout the day. We invite family members to come and be a part of the audience for their child's performance. 

6MI - 9.50am

6KR - 10.20am

6MA - 10.40am

6MP - 11.10am

5HT - 12.20pm

5TC - 12.50pm

5RC - 1.10pm

5LW - 1.40pm


Student Learning Conferences - Student Learning Conferences - Bookings for our Semester One, Student Learning Conferences will be released shortly via Compass.  Families of P-2 students will be able to book a ten minute conference with their child’s class teacher between 1:00pm to 6:00pm on Tuesday, 25th June. Our families of year 3-6 students will be able to book a ten minute conference with their child’s teacher between 12:10pm to 6:00pm on Wednesday, 26th June. Please note, our grade 5 and 6 conferences are student led. This involves students attending, and talking to their family about some of their work samples and the successes and challenges they have experienced. They will also discuss their learning goals for Semester 2. Please note, for students of Mikala in 6MI, the student-led conferences will be held on Thursday, 13th June during school hours, due to Mikala’s absence from school during the final week of term.




Repeated (and Updated) Messages…