Principal's Report
Term 4, Week 1
Principal's Report
Term 4, Week 1
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope all our families enjoyed a restful holiday break! It is just ten short weeks until Christmas, and I am sure Term 4 will fly by very quickly!
Stage 3 Excursion
This morning, 62 very excited Stage 3 students piled onto our coaches for the long trip south to Canberra. They have an action packed week planned in the Nation's Capital, including trips to the War Memorial, Old and New Parliament House, The Royal Australian Mint and Questacon amongst many other activities. It was lovely to be joined by our friends from Sacred Heart Boggabri as well! Our staff and students will return on Friday evening.
Stage 2 Excursion
It was certainly an adventurous excursion at the end of last term for our Stage 2 staff and students! After significant overnight rain on the Thursday night, our group found themselves a little stranded at Lake Keepit. Thankfully, the group was able to safely get back to Narrabri on Friday night, a little later than expected but safe nonetheless. I'd like to publicly acknowledge our staff members Mrs Hardy, Miss Allen, Mr Rottger and Mr Hynch for keeping our students safe and calm throughout the day and for going the extra mile to ensure our students had an enjoyable time. A special thank you also to Lake Keepit Sport and Rec Camp who provided extra support for our students and Forest Coaches who were very flexible and patient as we navigated road closures and flooded waterways.
Parents and Friends Association
A big thank you to Phil Davies and his team of volunteers for coordinating our Family Movie Night at the end of last term. The objective and mission of the P&F is very much to bring our school community together at these types of events rather than to focus solely on fundraising. Despite the cooler weather, it was a very successful night!
The next Parents and Friends Association meeting will be held in the school library next Monday 17 October at 6.00pm. All parents are warmly invited to attend.
The P&F have also been busily preparing for our Colour Run which will be held on the school grounds on Friday 28 October. This will be a fun way for our students to raise some funds for the school and win some prizes of their own along the way. As a major fundraiser for the year,
monies raised will go towards supplementing technology for our students and the purchase of new playground equipment.
Term 4 Calendar Dates
In today's newsletter, you will find the Term 4 Parent Calendar. We have another busy term, especially towards the end of the year as we celebrate 2022. Some key dates include;
Friday 4 November - Diocesan Gala Day (rescheduled from Term 3)
Friday 2 December - Diocesan Summer Trials
Sunday 4 December - Feast Day of St Francis Xavier (Family Mass, School Band Concert and Morning Tea on the lawn)
Monday 5 December - Stage 1 Intensive Swimming all week
Thursday 8 December - Year 5 Leadership speeches and voting
Friday 9 December - Semester Two reports released to parents via Compass
Monday 12 December - Year 6 Graduation Mass and Dinner
Friday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 for staff and students
Have a great week!