Principal's Report 

Greetings to the families and friends of MPWPS

Welcome back to our new school year for 2022. We have had interrupted years but this year has commenced with positivity and focus.  Staff have been working hard to make the learning environments calm, engaging and ready to welcome students back to class today. 

We are excited to be onsite and with the COVID procedures in place and with your help at home we will be ensuring that we are all safe and well. Again, I say how lucky am I to lead this wonderful school; staff, students and families. 

On the Curriculum Days last week, and yesterday we commenced by looking at our school in relation to progress over the past three (3) years.  This year 2022 is our School Review year and so we will be talking to parents, teachers and students in order to mark a way forward for the next three years. These are the Curriculum days remaining for this year. The  next curriculum day is:

March 25:  Improving our Writing with Misty Idoniou

Our Music Programs

Continuing this year we offer the opportunity for your child to learn a musical instrument.  Our long association as part of the Moonee Vale Instrumental Program (MVIMP) for students in years 3-6 and our provider Sound garage, who providesKeyboard, Bass Guitar and Singing and Performing lessons for students in F-6). Both programs provide quality learning within the school day. Enrolment forms are at the General Office as well as on our website.  Look them out and get your child involved.  MVIMP and Soundgarage lessons will commence in week 5, March 7 to comply with the COVID restrictions for government schools. 

The Basket Tea

Our annual Basket Tea will be scheduled for the first FRIDAY in March: March 4 commencing at 5.15-5.30pm and I hope that you and your family will be able to attend. It will be terrific to have this opportunity after not being able to hold school based social opportunities.  The idea is to provide an opportunity to meet your teacher, other families in your class and year level.  It’s BYO everything and we set up on the basketball court and oval. We hope to have our Parent Reps in place by then, so you can meet these wonderful people as well. So, get out the picnic set and rug and see you there. Put this in your diary. 

Parent Reps

We are again calling for Parent Reps for each class. This can be a shared role per class.  I am including the EOI form and the Parent Rep Guidelines so you can gain information about this important school role. 

Parents can share this role if they so choose.  The Parent Rep system is a great way to become more involved in your school.

Lunch Orders

Yes, we are starting these again.  The Darling St Café will be our provider. The Lunch Orders will commence on Wednesday February 2nd.  Our provider the Darling Street Espresso Café does a great job with our lunch orders and so our thanks. The Darling St Café is part of our local community.

Air Purifiers

Thank-you to those families that have contributed to the VOLUNTARY donation to support the purchase of the additional air purifiers for our school. To be clear, this opportunity was a voluntary option not related to general fundraising.  It was born out of individual parent requests to assist the school in this regard.

The 21 Samsung Department of Education supplied air purifiers have been installed in all teaching areas and will support the general air flow in classes. Open windows, doors, and  working outside are other measures already in place. 

COVID procedures for the first four (4) weeks

As we return onsite the first four weeks we will be cautiously supporting the learning of students in the class.  The regulations have changed and with the Rapid Antigen Tests now available we have our fingers crossed.  However, strange things do happen and I would like to reassure the community that we are diligent and organised in a calm and consistent way. 


A few reminders:

  • Masks are mandated for students in years 3-6 and actively encouraged in Foundation to year 2. Some students may have an exemption regarding masks.
  • We will be not mixing different year levels across the school. 
  • For the first four weeks the F-2 and 3-6 students will have the same playing space as in term 4. 
  • We have dropped the split recess and lunch breaks.  Everyone is now dismissed at 3.30pm
  • There will continue to be separate entry and exit points for the different grades. This will be the same as term 4 except for the YEAR 2 students who will enter on Lennox St.
  • Children will be encouraged to wash or hand sanitize coming out and back into the class and around eating times. 
  • If there is a COVID case the procedures will be followed and privacy by the school will be ensured. 

Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person at the gate, on the street or in the Office,

Yours in good health

Kerri  Simpson

Employment Opportunity

We are looking for an Education Trainee to commence this term. The role will be working in a classroom assisting with student learning.  School hours apply. The successful candidate will complete a Certificate 2 in Education Support.  

The  Educational Traineeship is offered through AGA and is currently advertised here through AGA and on Seek. 

If you would like further information regarding this opportunity please contact