Building Update 

Julie Dunn

As you may have noticed the second slab is still being finalised; however, we currently have lots of steel works happening. This will be followed by timer framing.


During the September holidays our BER, (The Palace) will receive and external facelift to bring it up to the standard of our new building. The internal works in the BER will take place during the summer holiday break and will include internal painting, the refurbishment of the Breakfast Club area and some semi-permanent internal walls in the far end of the building to allow for more learning spaces to be created.  


Unfortunately, the build is behind schedule due to weather, issues around the slab and supply delays. Newton Manor (The Building company) plan to work as hard as possible to make this time up in the coming weeks and months. It will certainly be worthwhile in the end once we move into the buildings. 


If anyone knows of a supplier of kids’ timber cubby houses, could they please contact me via the office asap as we are hoping to add some to our landscaping. 

Have a safe and happy holiday everyone,


Julie Dunn

Assistant Principal