Education News

News from the Assistant Principal Week 4
Years 3 -6
How lovely it was to start lessons with our Year 3 -6 students last week. With a focus on getting to know each other and establishing self-regulated goals, students have shown that MPW students are both caring and capable.
What Went Well
As part of our initialfortnightly sessions, I have introduced students to a routine, designed to have them notice the ‘good’ or positive instances in their lives. Called What Went Well, this simple routine draws our attention to the positive aspects of our daily lives and helps to offset a negative bias. In fostering Wellbeing, through its positive lens, this routine promotes optimism and resilience.
It has been wonderful to receive replies to my introductory letter to students. There is something about getting to know someone through letter exchange. Next week I will again be meeting with our Year 3-6 students, it would be wonderful if students could bring their letter of reply to their next lesson with me. Years 5/6 students have lessons on either Monday or Tuesday, and all Year 3/4 classes have their lessons next Friday.
Years 3 – 6 Goal Setting
Aspirations abound in our Year 3-6 classrooms. Students have started to capture some of their hopes for 2023 in their 2023 goal setting foldables. These will be completed in our next session.
Years P-2
At the time of writing this newsletter piece, I have had the opportunity to visit two of our P-2 classes. The focus of these junior school lessons is on listening skills, and responding to, and asking questions. I’m looking forward to visiting the remaining classes this week and seeing even the youngest of our students practising their active listening.
Weekly Wisdom
Have you noticed the Weekly Wisdom board? Peeking out from the Assistant Principal office external window, stay tuned each Monday for the new quote!