Our Faith - Religion - Prayer

St Patrick's Church Walcha 

Sunday Mass is available for maximum of 50 people due to the Covid 19 regulations.

Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.


For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.



Covid-19 restrictions have been changed and as of June 1st, 50 people are able to attend each Mass. The Bishops of New South Wales have outlined that we are willing and able to observe the following:

  • 4 square meters per person and 1.5m spatial distancing
  • On entering the church, each attendee's contact details are to be recorded
  • At risk parishioners being exhorted not to attend
  • Minimise time gathered together by simplifying services
  • Not using collection plates and hymn books; no shaking of hands or holding hands; Holy Communion to be given and received safely
  • Hand sanitiser available at entrances; and commonly touched surfaces regularly disinfected
  • Those who attend will need to sign a contact sheet which will be at the door. This is for Health Department contact tracing in the event of an outbreak.

THANK YOU For Returning Your Project Compassion Boxes.

Thank you for your kind donations. We have Caritas Australia a cheque for $293.05 as our contribution to the Lenten Appeal. Together we can help to end poverty, promote justice and uphold the dignity of people.



This weekend is Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost and celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit.... God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.   While there are three distinct and individual divine persons, they are so deeply bonded by love they operate with one mind and heart. 

Prayer to the Blessed Trinity

The Father is my hope. 

The Son is my refuge. 

The Holy Spirit is my protector. 

Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. 

Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; 

let us bless and praise God above all for ever! 

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, 

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

one God, for ever and ever.  



Sacrament Dates 2020  - First Holy Communion 

2020 First Holy Communion has been postponed until later in the year.  A date is to be set. 


Catherine McAuley

A quote from the writings of Catherine -  May God preserve and bless you and grant you all the graces and precious gifts reserved for this holy season.


 Catherine McAuley