Bottlebrush Update
Louise Taylor
Bottlebrush Update
Louise Taylor
The final weeks of Term Two have flown by in Bottlebrush! We have continued to work hard and have been lucky enough to go on three excursions (with one more planned for Week 9).
In Writing, we have been learning to write poetry. We have written Shape poems, Cinquain poems and Sense Poetry. As writers, we are learning to add detail to our writing by including adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
To support our writing, before each session we complete a ‘Language Experience’. Language experiences this term have included making ‘Hairy Heads’, playing in the autumn leaves, and playing games in the GP room. After each experience, students return to the classroom and brainstorm the language to describe what they did. This process supports students to develop rich vocabulary for their writing.
In PE, we have been learning Taekwondo and AFL. We learnt the importance of standing up for ourselves by using our words rather than our bodies. Ben our Taekwondo instructor, taught us not to use our new kicking and punching skills.
This term, we have had the opportunity to go on three different excursions. We have used these excursions to develop an interest in ‘The Arts’ and increase our experiences to support our learning and vocabulary. Our first excursion was a double excursion to ACMI to watch ‘Shaun the Sheep’ and The Arts Centre to watch ‘Magic Beach’. Our next excursion was to ACCA, where we experienced art as sound. We listened to different types of sound and responded through drawing. Our final excursion was to NGV, where we learnt that everyone experiences and makes art differently. We are excited for our final excursion to Museum of Victoria in week nine.
We hope everyone has a fantastic winter break over the holidays and we can’t wait to see everyone back at school for Term 3!
Louise, Susan, Imo and Oli.