Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Guardians and Students in the community of MPWPS

The first of the Year 5/6 camps returned safely and full of stories about life in the country. As I greeted those returning I did observe tired eyes and weary walks!  Camping is such a wonderful experience for the children and staff as new insights are often formed in these days. My thanks to the parents who encouraged their child/ren to be involved and to the staff who attended ably led by Helen Lockart.  Thank you to Lisa, Liz, Ben, Barb, Karen and Mal our wonderful Paramedic.  Being away from family for the time of the camp is acknowledged. 

 Camp No 2 leaves today and I am sure they will have as much fun as those who have returned.  I look forward to the posts on COMPASS and welcoming everyone back, safe and sound on Friday. 

Parent Forum Success

We had a very successful Parent Forum last Friday.   As a result we are proposing an evening session rather than another Friday morning.  David suggested June 6th from 6.30-8.00 pm in the Performance Space.  In order to gauge interest we are registering the Forum on Eventbrite.  The event is listed and the link is below.  If you are interested in attending this session please go to Eventbrite and register as we will be limiting numbers.

Our Learning Leaders (Engagement) were in attendance to support this learning opportunity for parents and carers. Hope to see you on THURSDAY June 6th from 6.30 pm.

Parent Reps

If you have Expressed Interest last year in this role, we haven’t forgotten you!  If you didn’t and you would be interested in this role for your class the EOI is attached. On Monday May 20 at 9.30 am, I would like to meet with anyone who might be interested in this role. The Parent Rep role connects the classroom to the parent group.  It is a fun role assisting the parents to get to know the workings of the school and to help the class teachers with any of the tasks they may want doing. I have include a copy of the role statement and EOI in this newsletter.   Just fill it in and return to the General Office.  This year we have a staff member who will be linked to supporting this aspect of our school life.   Come and get involved.

Election Day Stall

This Election Day we will be holding a Cake Stall and the usual Sausage Sizzle. This is a wonderful opportunity to get amongst our community and have a chat and laugh with others.  It also is a great way to help our school. The individual Cake Plates for your donation will be coming home this week.  It would be great to have something from your family.  As for me well I am halfway through installing a new kitchen (read lots of BBQ’ s hehehe!).  I will have time to donate! See you on the day.

If you are able to volunteer some time on the day please see the volunteers link on the fundraising page within this newsletter.


That time of the year is with us again. As I indicated in the last Newsletter this is a snapshot in time for schools to see how they are going with instruction.  Teachers use the results to understand what children can do in this situation, and what adjustments to practice need to be made as a result.  For example, finding information in a text.  Teachers across all systems teach these skills every day in their reading instruction however; in this situation sometimes, children have difficulty.  We have explored why this may be. Sometimes the information is presented in an unfamiliar format like an advert, or format that requires a high level of literacy skill as the information is presented in a crowded way.   As a result of understanding this result, teachers include a range of text formats in lessons and assist children to navigate their understanding through explicit instruction.  This is one advantage we can glean from the statewide format.

As usual, some AEU members will be providing information about the assessment during this time. The information will be provided for you outside the school gate and outside of working hours.  Statewide testing has always been a focus of debate. This year is no different.

MPWPS a great place to learn and grow

Last year the school went through an extensive process to develop the school’s Vision and Values statements.  Our Engagement Curriculum Action Team are working to build statements around each Value so that all stakeholders understand what is meant to live the values.

In order to link the Vision, Values, Philosophy and our Instructional model, a suggestion is to develop an overarching statement.  A one line ‘catch-phrase’ to hold all aspects together.  One that was suggested at our Leadership Conference right back in January was: At MPWPS we are Future Makers!  The Education Committee of School Council will be the funnel for all aspects of ensuring the work from the past consultation becomes part of all stakeholders’ behaviour.  Stay tuned for your opportunity to get involved.

Sensory Garden Consultation

Thank-you to Alyena and the Environment Sub-Committee of School Council for their work in this area. The result favoured a mix of Option 1 and 2, which redevelops and builds the existing “bones” of the area and really stretches our allocated $500k funds as much as possible.  We have forwarded these comments in a summary to the DET chosen architects.  We await the next phase. Thank-you to our parent member of this Committee Jarrod who availed us of his skill, to enable the consultation.

Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at Moonee Ponds West PS)