Fundraising Events

Christmas Raffle 2018

A reminder to all families to return your raffle tickets and monies as soon as possible, don't miss out on the opportunity to win one of the fantastic prizes.

Fundraising 2018

Thank you to the MPW Community for generously contributing to our fundraising efforts for 2018. Below is a summary of what we have raised to date with the Christmas raffle to be included after Friday.


Term 1

Back to MPW                                                                          $507.17

Movie Night                                                                            $4700.75

Term 2

Trivia Night                                                                             $8932.06

Term 3

Parent Social - "A Touch of Bond"                                $2014.95

Term 4

Bunning's BBQ                                                                      $2450.55

Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall                                   $3138.31

Total 2018 to date.....                                                     $21,743.79

Fundraising contacts

Rachel, Danielle & Sophie - please enquire at the office and your details will be forwarded on to Rachel, Danielle and Sophie.