Music News

MVIMP 2019

A reminder to all students that are planning to join MVIMP for 2019 or continuing in the program, expressions of interest are required to be handed in by Wednesday 19th to the Office. If you would like to borrow your instrument to keep your practice up over the holidays you are required to complete a borrowing permission form. 

If you have questions at all please contact Sandra Monaghan in the Office.

Soundgarage Concerts 

Soundgarage Enrolment form due

If you would like to re-enrol/enrol in Soundgarage for 2019 please return your enrolment form to the office prior to end of Term 4 2018.

Thank you for your support of Soundgarage, see you in 2019!

Any further questions or queries please feel free to contact Maddie Owen or 0401 844 522.