Humanities News

The Year 8 Humanities classes are currently studying The Black Death in medieval history. They have been learning about the disease, how it affected people and the society they lived in. A number of activities have been taking place in classes and with students’ own experiences during covid and the global pandemic, they have been able to empathise with people of long ago who experienced similar feelings.










Students have made drawings of Black Death victims, made pomanders of cloves and rosemary to show how people disguised the awful smells of the living during those times. 8F even got to burst some simulated buboes, (pus-filled swellings which were a symptom of the disease), made from bubble wrap and detergent. This activity was accompanied by a soundbite of someone screaming in pain to make it more real.  Teachers are looking forward to having students work on their empathy task letter about living a person during The Black Death.


Miriam Iuricich,

Humanities Leader.