Education News 

さこ だいすけさん、 ようこそ ムーにポンヅウエスト小学校へ!

This week we have welcomed Daisuke Sako to the Japanese program at Moonee Ponds West PS.

Daisuke is a student from Hijiyama University in Hiroshima and will be working in the Japanese program from 19th February to 16th March.

He has a strong interest in education overseas and in particular in junior years. He is hoping to be able to support our students in many ways and is interested in teaching a Japanese song to them.


Since his arrival he has noticed some things in particular that are different to Japanese primary schools;

  • Students and teachers are very close
  • Students actively participate in Japanese
  • Each class is made up of 2 grade levels
  • The classrooms are relaxing, they look like sitting rooms.

We wish Daisuke sensei a very enjoyable time here with us and I’m sure everyone will try to make it a memorable time for him.

Autobiographies in 3/4


In Term 1 the 3/4 students have been learning about autobiographies and biographies. Right now we have been doing a “This is Me” sheet which has been really fun as we are interviewing our parents and family members about our own history. We are also reading autobiographies in class and excited about writing our own autobiography. We know that in a week or so we will get to interview or research someone else and write their biography. Can’t wait!

By Ari and Sian – Room 12

Are you interested in the environment and sustainability?

What: Waste audit with Moonee Valley Council

When: 6th of March 11:30- 1:30

Where: MPW

How: Write an expression of interest, including reasons why you would like to be involved, improvements in the school you want to make, some ideas you may have for these improvements, etc. and leave it in the coloured folder in your classroom (ask your teacher)



Based on these expressions of interest, 6 students will attend this audit and then feed these results and ideas for solutions back to the Student Environment Team

Moonee Valley Schools Network - 2018 Year 7 Secondary School EXPO

All Grade 4, 5 & 6 children and their parents/carers are invited to attend the 2018 Year 7 Secondary School EXPO to learn more about our local Secondary Schools.


Wednesday, 21st March  2018


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm


In the Gym at Moonee Ponds West Primary School

150 Athol Street Moonee Ponds

  • Buckley Park College
  • Mount Alexander College
  • Essendon Keilor College (East Keilor and Niddrie Campuses)
  • Rosehill Secondary College
  • Strathmore Secondary College

These schools will have displays and information handouts for interested families, plus personnel to talk to you and answer any questions you may have. The format is informal, so you are free to visit whichever display you wish to, any time between 4.00pm and 7.00pm.


We look forward to your attendance.

For further enquiries ring East Keilor College, 8331 0100.