Pathways News

Careers @ Craigieburn SC


Craigieburn Secondary College Careers Website 

To support our students with careers guidance, pathways planning and information regarding subject selections and work readiness, we have launched our new Careers website specifically for Craigieburn Secondary College. Please visit us at for information about Careers, tertiary study, VTAC applications, useful links, presentations, resources and activities. The website also provides useful information for parents and families to support students in their careers journey. We also have a very well-resourced Careers Centre located in the Senior School which is accessible and available to all students. Please feel free to drop by and look through the resources available. 

Career Advisor Bookings

Students and parents are encouraged to book appointments to meet with a Careers Advisor via the Craigieburn Secondary College Careers website


Whole School Approach to Career Education Year 7-12

At Craigieburn Secondary College, we understand that young people need guidance and accurate information about a wide variety of career options, as well as the capacity to reflect on their own skills, goals and personal strengths, in order to make wise career choices.


We provide our students with a range of career development programs and services. The aim of these programs and services is to assist students to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to effectively self-manage their life, learning and work. Programs and support services at CSC include:

  • Individual careers and course counselling
  • Careers resources
  • Career development education
  • Course counselling
  • Careers workshops and presentations

What is Careers guidance?

Careers guidance describes the services which help people of any age to manage their careers and to make the educational, training and occupational choices that are right for them. It helps people to reflect on their ambitions, interests, qualifications, skills and talents - and to relate this knowledge about who they are to who they might become within the labour market.


Careers guidance involves a range of connected activities, including provision of careers information, personalised guidance/counselling, skills assessment, engaging with the world of work and the teaching of decision-making and career management skills. 

Career guidance is a continuous process throughout life and it is critical to the smooth transitions of young people as they make choices about education and training.


Career Planning has three stages:


Self-Development: young people understand themselves and the influences on them, build their experiences and achievements and develop their capabilities.


Career Exploration: young people locate, investigate and consider opportunities in learning and future work options.


Career Management: young people make and adjust Career Action Plans and manage their life choices, changes and transitions.


Each year level has a theme through which these elements are explore:

(The above steps can be followed at other times through your career planning journey)


In the Junior School Years (The Discovering & Exploring Stages) students are encouraged to begin exploring possible career and pathways during Personal Learning lessons, and their various subject. All students will begin Career Action Plans (CAP).


In the Middle School Years (The Focusing & Planning Stages) students begin to focus on careers that they may have an interest in and start planning how they can achieve a job in these fields.  This is done during Personal Learning lessons, specific subject areas, and Work Experience Programs.  At Year 9, students complete the My Insights Career Profiling through the Morrisby Program.  This is followed up with a 30minute interview with a career counsellor.  All students will continue refining their CAP information and this plan can, and will, be adjusted and revised many times, based on students’ knowledge and skills development.  


In the Senior School Years (The Deciding & Applying Stages) students make informed decisions about possible future transitions. This is done through Course Counselling, Subject Selection sessions, and Tertiary/Employer Forums. Students know of the requirements for their chosen further education, training, or employment choice & they are aware of alternative pathways in order to achieve their preferred future choice. Students' CAPs are fine-tuned and decisions are made regarding options available beyond year 12. Craigieburn Secondary College provides many opportunities for students to gain real experiences of pathway options, and with many of these opportunities. Some examples include: 

  • Personal Learning (PL) - career learning goals and profiles are developed
  • Resume Writing, Job Applications and Mock Interviews
  • Work Experience
  • VET in School Programs
  • Tertiary Forums / Mentoring 
  • Individual student pathway interviews held at various year levels, for advice with subject selection, university prerequisite subjects, other pathway options.
  • Student Information Sessions - Year 10 Students, VCE and VCE VM students, VTAC applications.
  • Open Days at Universities and TAFE institutes
  • Careers Expos

Please visit us at to book an appointment with a careers advisor or to access information about careers and pathways.


Early Entry programs – Year 12 Students

Numerous universities are offering early entry programs for students applying for tertiary entry in 2022. 


Aspire Program – La Trobe University

The La Trobe University Aspire Early Admissions Program rewards students’ involvement in community, leadership and volunteering with an early conditional offer into their chosen course at La Trobe. This means students will know if they have a place at university in September or even earlier. Students will also receive exclusive benefits designed to nurture their skills and give them the support they need to succeed at La Trobe and beyond.


Please click on the following link for more information:


Please note – Applications are now open and close on Friday 1st September 2023.

Support is also available from our Careers Advisors, so please book a Careers appointment if you would like more information or assistance with your Aspire application via the Craigieburn Secondary College Careers website – Book an Appointment.


Early Entry Programs – Open now 

TAFE/UniversityApplication Deadline
La Trobe Aspire 1 September 2023 
Victoria University Guarantee 8 October 2023 
RMIT Early Entry 17 September 2023 
Swinburne Early Entry Program 9 October 2023 

Key dates for Year 12 students:

VTAC has just published the following key dates for Year 12 students. Workshops specifically relating to the VTAC application process will be run for all year 12 students in term 3, however please book a Careers meeting with our Careers Advisors if you would like any further information.

Applications open for courses, SEAS, and scholarshipsJuly 31 2023 
Timely course applications closeSeptember 28 2023
SEAS and Scholarships applications closeOctober 6 2023
Late course applications closeNovember 3 2023
Very late course applications closeDecember 1 2023
VCE results and ATAR released to studentsDecember 11 2023

Upcoming Careers Events at Craigieburn SC

As part of our commitment to supporting Craigieburn Secondary College students in their career development journey, we have scheduled a series of presentations for students in each year level throughout term 2. These include Apprenticeships presentations, presentations about careers in Victoria Police and the Australian Defence Force, tertiary presentations and visits by industry professionals. Families are encouraged to support this initiative by engaging in conversations which centre around career development to support students as they navigate their future career interests and aspirations.


Year Level


Key Speaker/Event


15 May 2023Kylie Martin – Sarina Russo Apprenticeships and Traineeships 


19 May 2023 Career Expo Excursion


22 May 2023 Victoria Police 


25 May 2023Kane Williams- Engineering 


25 May 2023Kane Williams- Engineering


25 May 2023La Trobe University 


1 June 2023Australia Defence Force


5-8 June Morrisby one on one Career Interviews. 


19 & 20 June 2023VCE and VCE VM Taster Sessions 


21 & 22 June 2023Year 10 electives taster sessions 

Open Days

TAFE/University  Date 
Australian Catholic University Sunday 13 August 2023 
Deakin university – Burwood Sunday 27 August 2023
Deakin University – Geelong Sunday 20 August 2023
La Trobe University - BundooraSunday 6 August 2023 
Monash University – Caulfield Saturday 5 August 2023
Monash University – Clayton Sunday 6 August 2023
RMIT – Bundoora Sunday 6 August 2023
RMIT- City and BrunswickSunday 13 August 2023
RMIT – Point Cook Sunday 20 August 2023
Swinburne  Sunday 30 July 2023 
University of Melbourne Sunday 20 August 2023 
Victoria University Sunday 20 August 2023 


Headstart is a program that will link students with apprenticeships and traineeships, whilst allowing for completion of the VCE Vocational Major Certificate.



The Head Start program provides students with the opportunity to maximise time on the job, gain a detailed understanding of the world of work and begin a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship during secondary school. The Head Start coordinator will support students, parents/carers and employers along the journey of their HSAT, TAFE and VCE VM certificate. 


Since 1977 the Melbourne Polytechnic Work Education Programs have provided vocational educational and training for students with disabilities / learning needs with a strong focus on the student’s individual learning journey. 


They offer flexible modes of study to meet students’ own interests and goals. 


Students develop work skills, independence, confidence and life skills to maximise participation in the community in a safe, supportive learning environment with the encouragement of friendly approachable, experienced teachers. 


Courses offered: 

• Certificate I in Work Education, General, Theatre, Hospitality 

• Certificate II in Work Education, Retail/Warehouse, Hospitality, Creative Events 

• Certificate I in Transition Education 

• Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy & Numeracy 


In the Certificate I & II in Work Education, students undertake vocational electives on campus, on site and in industry throughout the year. The dedicated practical placement and training team have strong links to industry. Pathway planning options during and post study are also provided. Student welfare is a priority. 


Melbourne Polytechnic was awarded Inclusive Training Provider of the Year 2018 and finalist in 2019, in recognition of outstanding excellence in services to students. 


We welcome you to visit and tour the Preston campus at Melbourne Polytechnic. 


For more information: Work Education Programs Call: 9269 8390 or email: Building W, Corner Jessie Street and  Bruce Street.


Year 9 students have a unique opportunity to learn more about their strengths and abilities while exploring potential career options by completing a series of questionnaires and quizzes accessed through the Morrisby website. They are then given the opportunity to discuss their results with a Morrisby trained Careers Consultant in a 30-minute interview. This is an opportunity for students to gain confidence to start taking control of their future and discover, develop, and engage with their career planning. 


Currently, Year 9 students are completing the profiling and preparing for their one-to-one career consultation in week 7 of term 3. 


Some thoughts from 2022 Year 9 students:


Lina S – Morrisby is a fantastic program for us teens as it takes the confusion and indecisiveness out of figuring out what you want to do when you are older. Morrisby provides career options that suit your character strengths and preferences, after undertaking certain tests. When I got my results from the tests I was shown my skills, personality traits, jobs that will suit me and most importantly the pathways to get the jobs! Morrisby has immensely shaped the path and subjects that I have taken in VCE subjects now and for the future. Don’t take it for granted! 


Lisa S – Last year, I engaged in a range of Morrisby testing followed by an interview as part of the Year 9 Careers program. I was required to answer a range of questions based on my abstract, numerical, spatial, verbal and mechanical knowledge during each quiz. I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential career paths, during the Morrisby interview. In addition, I also received my 'Morrisby Profiling,' booklet, which was my favourite part of this program since I will always have access to my results and the many career options I may choose.