Year 11 News

Apprenticeships Presentation

Year 11 students warmly welcomed Kylie Martin, Youth Engagement Officer from Sarina Russo Apprenticeships for a careers presentation on Monday 11th May. Kylie’s presentation centred on employability skills, the range of Apprenticeships and Traineeships available in various industries and the benefits of School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Students asked lots of relevant questions and also heard about growth industries, the changing nature of work and the importance of research regarding future career pathways. It was an extremely valuable experience for our Year 11 students as they navigate their career development journey.



VCE Vocational Major

The VCE Vocational Major program centres on developing students’ employability skills and work readiness. As part of this certificate, students participate in Vocational Education and Training and undertake work placements. These placements contribute to better informed careers, course and pathways options for our students. 

Benefits for students:

• Better understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers. 

• An opportunity to explore possible career options. 

• Increased self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence. 

• Increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training. 

• Better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare young people for work. 

• An introduction to workplace recruitment practices. 

• Enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment. 

Our VCE Vocational Major students are gaining invaluable knowledge and experience during their work placements and we are very proud of their achievements. 


VCE Vocational Major students explore LinkedIn


As part of the VCE Vocational Major Work Related Skills subject, students explore a range of work readiness and career development initiatives. Gimi Ibrahim of 11D (pictured below) conducted a demonstration of how to set up a LinkedIn account and the benefits of LinkedIn. Great work Gimi!



Year 11 students have adjusted well to VCE and the VCE Vocational Major and we look forward to showcasing more of their achievements throughout 2023.