Year 2 Bulletin


Literacy: Punctuation

Commas in a List


Learning intention: To use commas to separate items or adjectives in a list.




When writing texts, especially narratives, a common occurrence is that the children overuse the word ‘and’ when writing a list. For example, ‘Ted and Kate and Sam and Molly went to the park.’ Our goal is to enable the students to understand and use commas confidently instead of ‘and’ when writing a list.


Outline of the activity:


The students have been learning how to use commas to separate items and adjectives in a list when composing sentences. 


We began with a PowerPoint presentation which enabled the students to make connections between a list of items (shopping list) and a correctly formulated sentence.


Above are 2 screen shots of part of the presentation. The children used mini whiteboards to practise changing a shopping list into a complete sentence, where the items were separated using a comma.


For example, ‘Ali is buying bread, butter and jam.'


The children were also asked to guess what the children were making!


Finally, the children completed their own shopping lists and sentences. Below are some samples of the completed activity.

Year 2 Update


New Classrooms


It was a such a wonderful surprise when I arrived on Monday morning, to find the Year 2s had already moved into their new classrooms.


Over the last few days, we have been extremely busy making our new spaces feel like ‘home’.  


Parents are very welcome to pop in and admire the new spaces. 


Music Program


Just a reminder that the music program for the Year 2 students has commenced. The students are extremely fortunate for this opportunity to learn an instrument. The program is on every Friday morning and we are very grateful to Pippa for organising this wonderful experience.


Mrs Evans


We would like to extend our support and best wishes to Mrs Evans and hope she gets well soon. She is hugely missed.


Thank you 

Rosanna Caruso