Principal's News

Dear Armadale Community,


I hope you are all going well and managing to stay away from any nasty viruses that are still circulating. This week has been very exciting with our Prep building almost operational both on the ground level and the upper level. The Preps are all back into their spaces, Year 3/4A and 3/4R have all moved upstairs and are very happy too with the additional spaces, the Year 2’s have moved into their new space adjacent to the kitchen garden and are loving the bigger learning spaces. Vita and Mr Cracknell have also moved into the old Year 2 classrooms so they now each have a dedicated teaching space and Vita is particularly pleased about that as she has been a roving Italian teacher for the last 8 months. 


When you get the chance, please pop into these spaces to see how they are functioning. Thank you again to the small army of parent volunteers who have been helping out with the moves and unpacking of resources. As always, we are so grateful for all the help we get and could Danica, Charlotte, Nina and Marta please accept this as a personal thank you.




Team Kids have settled in well and the MPC is looking amazing. Thank you to our parents who have already registered their children and complied with the requirements. As you would realise any large third party provider operates under strict legislative guidelines and they have no flexibility whatsoever to accept a child who has not been registered. Please also be aware of the fees charged for lateness and cancellations. All of their fees and processes are clearly visible and transparent on their website and fliers available in our reception. My advice to you all is to register with Team Kids as you never know when you might need to have care for the children.




Thank you again to our fabulous team, Sam E; Andrea A; Emily C and Stella LH who organised the most gorgeous luncheon for our mums to enjoy. Thank you also to all of our mums who so generously supported the luncheon, the purchase of raffle tickets for all of those incredible hampers and prizes and generously continued to support our school through the pledge cards. 




Thank you to the team behind the footy colours day event that was held on Tuesday, Mr Cracknell, Mr Cornell and Julian. It was a great day had by all which kicked off in the morning with the whole school parade, then went into time on with class photos and at half time the children enjoyed engaging in footy skills games with the year 5/6’s. The highlights for me were walking around with the children and then hearing from one of our dad’s Kayne Pettifer, a highly successful AFL player who played with Richmond for over 9 years and still plays with a Victorian regional team as well as Bridget McIntyre, mum of the McDonald boys and wife of Demons legend, Anthony McDonald about her life in AFL. I have a feeling Bridget will still be involved in AFL for some time  if Max, Tom and Angus follow in Dad’s and their Uncles footsteps!!


Thank you to Pippa H for sending in the photos below.

Taking Medical leave from Monday 15th May


I will be taking leave to have a full hip replacement and Connie will be Acting Principal in my absence. Zaim will be Acting Assistant Principal though will still mainly be teaching in his classroom. I am having the surgery at Cabrini Malvern so not too far away. The recovery period is estimated to be 6 weeks so all being well I should be back on deck for the start of Term 3 and looking forward to walking freely and no longer being in pain and hobbling around.


Warm regards,
