Principal’s Report

Mr Prasad

This term, the school was able to participate in a number of events including our swimming carnival, International Women’s Day, Cumberland Women @ Work event, competitions in Open basketball and netball, Sydney West Girls Football Gala Days, excursions and incursions for the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) mentoring and Aspirations program at school and in the city, CAPA Pulse Alive dance at Ken Rosewall Arena at Olympic Park, Year 6 Open Day and School Cross Country. A huge thank you to our students, parents and staff who tirelessly contribute to the running of the events and exposing students to competitions.


The school is currently preparing for our Harmony Day celebrations, which will take place on the 5th of May next term (Friday, Week 2). Cultural programs will be on show for our students and parents. More details will be published on the parent portal. The students are excited to present their cultural shows to our students, parents and staff.


Our school has revamped the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) programs, which is embedded in the Care Continuum, a prevention-focused approach to address the full spectrum of student needs. A copy of our expectations from students has been widely published and is available for parents and students to read on the parent portal.


The school has also published the 2022 Annual Report on our school website. You can also see a copy here.


The hall has been given a facelift with a ‘Safe Respectful Learners’ artwork at the main entry as shown below.

Girls from our school also attended the Cumberland Women’s @ Work event and an International Women’s Day breakfast on the 8th of March at the Novotel Parramatta.

Year 11 students also had the opportunity to participate in the

ABCN Mentoring and Aspirations Program.

The Merrylands High School dance ensemble participated in the

2023 Pulse Alive Dance at Sydney Olympic Park.

Sports continue to play a huge role in Merrylands High School,

with Boys Basketball and Open Girls Netball.

To all our safe respectful learners, enjoy your term break. "On behalf of Merrylands High School, thank you for your valued contributions and support in Term One towards student learning."

– Mr Prasad