Exploring Art

Arts, Design and Technology 

With galleries now open for excursions, this year many of our visual arts students have been given the opportunity to visit an array of wonderful exhibitions through out Melbourne. 




Recently, the Year 12 studio art students spent a full day in the CBD where they experienced art in a range of galleries and exhibition spaces.  They were not only able to see the wonderful works of art but they also learnt what it is to prepare, present, conserve and promote an art exhibition.  It was a wonderful day and the first in two years that the Year 12s were able to experience art in so many different context. We visited ACMI's current exhibition LIGHT as well the Collingwood Art Precinct, where students viewed a number of smaller commercial and artist run initiative galleries.  A very inspiring day for everyone!



On Tuesday 19th August the Year 10 Studio Arts class visited the Street Art sites of Melbourne and attended the NGV to view the Picasso Exhibition and participate in the Art of Play workshop.   During the Art of Play workshop, students explored the gallery, found inspiration for their art, got creative through a range of art activities and had lot’s of fun. 


The workshop challenged students to work together to draw, describe, perform, create and curate in response to a range of works in the NGV Collection.


Kylie Maltarollo

Art, Design and Technology Domain Leader

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