Principal's report

Greetings to all in the MPWPS Community

Well, I have almost been here for two full weeks; how am I going do you think?  Happy to have your feedback and in fact in Term 3 I plan to dedicate time from 9.30 to 10.30 each MONDAY for your feedback. Simply call in to the Principals Feed hour called Principal’s Open line! You can talk about any aspect of our school life during this time.  If you have a bouquet fantastic, if you have a brickbat also great and we will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours to give a response.   I look forward to taking your calls on the first Monday of Term 3 until the end of the year.  Of course not on Public Holidays!

Vision and Values Working Party

Vision and Values Working Party: Over the past term and a half, a group of people (representative of the stakeholders) have been canvassing opinion and feedback around the Vision and Values of the school.  This group consists of parent representatives (Lee Cath - School Councillor, Sarah Downard and David Collins), Staff representatives (Mandy Jones- Student Wellbeing Team and Sue Phillips- Staff Wellbeing Team) and representatives on behalf of students (Maddie Carter and Louise McNab - Junior School Council convenors). In most schools this process occurs prior to a Review period, and so MPWPS is right on point.

Extensive consultation was conducted with staff, parent/carers and students. As a result of this work, our Vision and Values statement has been drafted, with all feedback to date considered under the guidance of Sharon Butler, a department of education consultant. We welcome your comments and endorsement of the draft, which is included below.  Following this feedback, the draft will be finalised by the V & V working group and presented to Education Sub-Committee for discussion, then recommendation  to School Council for ratification. All stakeholders are receiving this draft statement, so that it can be fine grained in ensuring we have it correct.  Please remember that in any consultation process we are consulting and hearing all voices so that we can get the best outcome for all.

Please send your comment to the working group via:

We will accept comment until June 5th so that we can table our final draft at  Education Sub-Committee on June 14th.   Please note this meeting date change to accommodate this process. 


Draft Vision and Values Statement

Our Vision:

  • Young people will leave MPW as knowledgable, independent, critical thinking individuals able to take their place in the world with the capacity and courage to create a better future.
  • The MPW community do this by nurturing compassion, creativity and a love of learning.
  • Values:
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking

Regional Literacy Training

This year the South Western Metropolitan Region is offering all schools the chance to train a Literacy learning Leader(s) for their school.  At MPWPS we are aiming to train two (2) teachers.  Their role will then be to support the literacy learning across the school Foundation to Year 6.  Not only is this a wonderful leadership opportunity for two of our teachers, but it will enable us to strengthen our existing structures and strategies around literacy learning.  We offered this opportunity to staff on the Literacy Curriculum team. I will let you know which teachers will be involved as we are at present going through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process as we think many staff will be wanting this experience.

COMPASS is coming to Moonee Ponds West PS

Over the past week I have been talking to teachers and parents about how we could improve an already great school.  Most have said communication.  I understand there was a trial of Schoolbag recently (thank you to those who contributed to this trial) and I want to reassure you that COMPASS builds on and extends communication in many many areas.  We will have a parent component of COMPASS open for our upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student (or Three-Way) Conferences in early term 3. I am very excited about the possibilities that COMPASS can offer all stakeholders.  So stay tuned for information about this new and exciting development.

Drop Off and Pick up Zones

Over the past week I have been monitoring the flow into and out of these areas.  It seem the front moves better that the Eglington St Zone.  So here are some further suggestions for co-operation and safety:

  • If you are waiting for your child please remain in your car.
  • If there are no spaces in the Drop Off zone please drive on to the roundabout, and do a loop so to speak
  • Always remain courteous and
  • Come a little after 3.30pm (say 3.40) and when most cars have gone and the area is free.

Let’s see how these suggestions go over the next week.


Well that’s about it from me. It has been really great to meet you and your children during this week.  One of my oldest and dearest colleagues/friend made this comment when she knew I was coming to MPWPS ‘’you are at your natural home Kerri!”


Yours sincerely

Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)

Notices Home

Tuesday 29th May

  • School Council Election - whole school

Wednesday 30th May

  • 'Eye See' pole day - whole school

Thursday 31st May

  • 'Celebrating the Arts' - whole school
  • Fun Run update - whole school

Friday 1st June 

  • Teacher update - Room 2
  • Teacher update - Room 7