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Fairvale Public School Newsletter
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Fairvale Public School Newsletter
Welcome to our first online newsletter
Issue 1
06 May 2020
In this issue
Calendar & FAIR Rules
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Positive Behaviour for Learning
Principal's IntoLearning Award Winners
Principal's Into Learning Award Winners, A surprise will be posted to all winners!
Principal's Report - Mr Pitt
WELCOMEWelcome to Term 2. Once again the term has started the same way we ended Term 1. Thank you to our lovely learning community for supporting the school during this challenging time. We are doing our best to keep everyone informed about the steps we are taking at Fairvale PS. The most important thing you should do to keep informed is to ensure you have downloaded the app, check the school website, log into seesaw and see the learning tasks and messages from teachers, create a twitter account and follow the classroom learning and finally like us on Facebook., STAFF NEWS, We welcome a few new and old faces to Fairvale PS for this term:, Miss Nouzad – supporting 1/2E , Mrs Joanna – school learning support officer for Term 2, Mrs Marie – school learning support officer for Term 2, Mrs Borg – returns from maternity leave, supporting EAL/D students. , PHASE 1 – A MANAGED RETURN TO SCHOOL , Next week will see all schools across NSW move into Phase 1. How that looks at each school will be different. At Fairvale PS, we are hoping children will attend for one day per week and at this time your child/ren will work with their teacher. I have included the plan in this edition of the newsletter so please check it out. This one day is important as it allows children to work with their teacher and friends as well as get back to some normality. I suspect the days will increase over the next few weeks so it is important we have children back into a routine. It is also important that our families following COVID-19 health and safety procedures. Where possible, drop your child in the morning and meet them at 3pm in a designated spot. If you are coming onto school grounds, please follow the instructions given by staff. , STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK , The most important advice I can give is that if you are sick, please stay home from school. This is the message that has been given to all staff members as well. All adults on site will be healthy and ready to work and we expect the same for our children and their families., SCHOOL HOURS, School gates will open at 8.15am every morning. Staff members are not on duty until 8.30am. If you send your child to school before 8.15am you will be contacted. If you need to get to work early, please consider OSH CLUB. It is also important that you are ready to collect your child at 3pm. If you are going to be late, a courtesy call to the office is always recommended., PARACHUTING AROUND THE SCHOOL WITH FAIRVALE STAFF , Over the last fortnight I have asked our interventionists to share a little bit about their role. Prior to COVID-19, these teachers work closely with targeted children across the school to improve literacy and numeracy skills. Their role is very important and supports the state’s Early Action for Success strategy including the working closely with the school’s Instructional Leaders., MOTHER’S DAY STALL, I would like to thank Miss Michelle and Miss Samira for coordinating the Mother’s Day stall this week. We thought it was important to give our children the opportunity to purchase gifts. I would also like to thank our SLSOs who assisted on both days. I wish all our Fairvale mums a lovely day on Sunday and that you enjoy a yummy breakfast in bed and surprises along the way., VISUAL TIMETABLE, I have created a visual timetable to assist children at home when following a routine. Below is an Arabic and English version. There is also a copy on the school APP. , NEWSLETTER CHANGES , Lastly, you will see we have a new-look newsletter. Mrs Karam and I are adjusting to the new format and we look forward to sharing more news and events as the year progresses. The newsletter can also be downloaded in other languages. We hope this assists our Fairvale learning community., Have a great fortnight and stay safe and healthy,, Anthony Pitt, Principal, I respect and acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live in visit.
Parachuting Around the School with Fairvale Staff
Deputy Principal - Mrs Karam
Welcome to Term 2
Community News
Community News with Miss Michelle and Miss Samira, Cooking
Canteen & Osh Club
Canteen, OSH Club
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Social Distancing
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Newsletter Archive
Calendar & FAIR Rules
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Positive Behaviour for Learning
Cover Page